Attn: SmokeyBurnouts

heres your Z06

whats he going to do tow it with his new truck?

86 miles into a C6 and a tard rolls it over

$4900 for a supra

soooo nice

some sweet cars on there. u guys fix it for me and ill pay for everything, k :scared:

eh just be a pimp and get this

I’ve actually been shopping Z06s and clean low-mile targas for a buddy of mine who’s in Iraq right now but wants to pick up a C5 when he comes back state-side. Anyway, my point is I’ve seen easily half a dozen ‘01 Z06s under $30k in the last few weeks (and those are buy-it-now prices). Yes that’s the 385hp not 405hp but you can gut the pup-cats, swap the MAF and then you’ll be close. If you’re going to bother goin’ w/ the '02+ cam you may as well go bigger but you get my point.


eh fuck all those and get this

Who the hell steals a car and then takes a hammer to the outside only?? Honestly. If you’re going to fuck it up, at least bash some windows or cut the interior.

a woman :dunno:

werd. I was gonna say whats the point of getting a non running Z06 for 23 when you can get a running C5 with a few more miles for a few thousand more. and C5’s are gonna drop even more after the C6 has been out for a year.

ya, i actually saw that car on there like a year ago. Z06s have gone down in price quite a bit since then, and they havent adjusted the price on that one at all. so either they think its a good price and it hasnt depreciated or they just havent updated the price.