ATTN: Soccer players/Anyone who follows sports

Thats preety fucked up man. She did it while you were togeather?

Oh yea and deployed and one was my best friend since Kindergarden so I’m pretty happy about it all, things that make you say wow!

Still talk to her?

Nope, shes single guys haha

Maybe Ill hop on that

more then likely she’d hop on you good luck with that

Anyways…Back to the Becks situation…

HaHa he is too old to make a huge difference at all and he is still only one player in the MLS. Im betting that he wont be a huge deal especially with his position not like he’s a play maker or a great keeper that can win games on his own and thats what people here in the US like to see.

I think soccer will be more popular in the United States than hockey and basketball in the next 20 years. And maybe baseball in our lifetime. It is the most popular sport in world.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Since this is a soccer thread I just watched the MLS all star game and the MLS team beat Celtic 2-0 and they looked pretty good playing I was kinda impressed.

why dont you faggots get aim?

gotta get the post count up!

carrry on then

WTF are you smoking?

no one will give a fuck in 2 weeks.


you’re not a very intelligent person, are you?

I will he is married to a hot spice girl…will be waiting on the hot and steamy porn tapes

+1 for celebrity porn tape

nothing spices up your career in Hollywood more than a good sex tape.

if you saw Victoria Beckham on the street, you wouldn’t look twice, unless to say to yourself “someone needs to give that bitch a cheeseburger”

and this is coming from someone who loves his girls tiny