Attn: Sonny/SlowCamaro/other Pittspeed Republicans

or somebody with a history in the military at least


someone call homeland security.

Oh, one of the first things Congress does in January is setting up new ethics rules. Plan is to clean up Washington, one way or another…

There’s more coming from Bush, by the way. Now that Democrats are in power, he’ll be selling everyone out the way Nixon did. The whole country will see what kind of person he is…

Wow, either you’re a soothsayer, or you know him personally, to know what kind of a person he is. Congrats…:nuts:

I am speaking from history, Nixon had a very similar tactic, and look what happened to him…history repeats itself! you will see…

Well now the dems have a chance to see what they got to offer, after all things are so bad now cause of the rebublicans, long lines at the unemployment office, bombs going off everywhere, children starving. Now maybe we will get to see the fags get married, babies getting there brains sucked out before they are born, rehabilatated child molesters running around:jerkit: taxes get raised and the list can go on and on. Another thing that cracks me up is all the republicans that lost and you don’t here any of them screaming recount, I was robbed, they stole the election, like the fucking crybaby dems always do when they lose.


But I still think the 2 party system is screwing us all. Nobody in either party has the balls to make major cuts and reduce the size of the government. That’s because the government employs far too many people already, I believe we are past the tipping point. The government will continue to grow, until it either we revolt, or end up living in a police state. I’m not saying either will happen tomorrow, but historically, after a period of prosperity, governments often overstep their bounds, and ruin what was once a good thing. We are approaching that time.

actually the republicans did demand a recount and now the Dems won Senate majority…if you remember that Gore and Kerry both didn’t demand a re-count…I am no devout democrat, I think a good mix of both parties is the ideal situation, there are too many corrupt people in it that are involved…I can’t wait to hear the real reason why Rumsfeld ‘resigned’, primarily the timing of his resignation which seems odd

I would say Rumsfeld resigned cause the Dems won, probably don’t want to put up with the bs that is sure to follow.

Rome wasn’t built in a day. But it was removed in a “few” days relatively speaking.

Register Libertarian and help get some funding for a party that can make a difference! :slight_smile:

ya cuase his bs was just great, that man might have been worse than bush, how could that man look at ppl go on national T.v. and say everything is ok in iraq and goign to plan…if he only followed Gen. Franks war plans

2000 Election Results

Bush 50,460,110

Gore 51,003,926

taco… let it go brother!!! it’s been long enough.

kilmer & ??? in 08???

does it realy matter who is in office? They are all out to fuck everyone except themselves(and not a good fucking either).

I did. The day I turned 18.

get over it, what did Bush beat Kerry by like 4 million votes and almost lost, electoral vote is what counts not most votes.

It would be a lot easier to get over if the Bush administration didn’t run the country into the ground over the last 6 years in by far the most inept governance in recent memory.

yes, but in addition alot of economic effects from previous Clinton adminstrations came to fruition. the economic stuff always seems hit after the intial tax hike/cut.

I know it has been good for me over the last 6 years, every year I made more money than the previous. Also the clinton bullshit gun ban of 94 was allowed to expire under this administration, so yes for me it was real good.