how is a system of checks & balances BS??
there is a shit load of stuff that needs to be questioned, re-evaluated, & investigated…because during the last 6yrs of GOP regime it was all over looked.
during clintons presidency when the GOP had control of the house, they issued somethng like 1000 subpoena/investigations to the whitehouse…& in bush’s 6yrs there have only been something like 10-15.
thats rediculous.
this is not a discussion of right & wrong, but with all the shit that has gone on in the past 6yrs…you think there would be plenty of reasons to have more the 15.
& there was like 140hrs spent investigating clintons x-mas card list & only 12hrs spent on Abu Ghraib… :dunno:
there has been NO oversight in the pasy 6yrs…& it has been greatly needed.
thats how you judge an administrations competence? :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:
Actually, I shouldn’t be laughing. Thats really sad/scary
correct. :bowdown:
The whole reason the GOP is sucking democrat cock right now is because the Dems have them dead in the water. So much stuff is going to surface over the next two years. I really expect Bush to be impeached, and many of his top administration officials to be indicted. Its going to be so much fun to watch.
Thats just two important issues for me, there are many more I agree with them on. The reason the dems won this election was one reason and one reason only, the war and the medias horrible one sided coverage of it. I know it has not been going as planned but it is being portrayed that nothing at all is going right, there are alot of good things happening in Iraq that you will never here about, like the 1 million Iraq’s that now get a paycheck that never got one before. Now that the dems have control you will start to see some of the good things that are happening, and guess what, they’ll take credit for it.
Your gonna have your checks and balances over the next 2 years and I guarantee when you see that nut job pelosi on tv every night looking like a total idiot, it will be short lived. The republicans will be back in control in 2 years cause the dems that you will see on tv all the time like pelosi, schumer, kerry, kennedy, are not what main stream america is all about, they will just kill the dems again come next election and the republicans will rise again:bigthumb:
ignorance is bliss.
@ blaming the liberal media. that shit really cracks me up. I mean, when I turn on Fox news, and we all know how liberal they are… they always have the stories about how great things are going over there.
did you ever consider that fox news looks so ‘right wing’ because all the other shitty and biased news stations are ‘left wing’… i mean come on!!! you’re gonig to aruge that news isn’t biased? or that left news sources don’t skew news stories?
I have considered that. I dismissed it rather quickly.
it’s a good thing they’re so liberal… they might have made a big deal out of clinton’s blow job if they weren’t… :squint:
Slick willy:bj: , if it was’nt for him we would’nt be in this mess to begin with.
Like I said, now that the dems have control you will see more on the good things happening than you have before, and they will take credit. Fox news is’nt the number 1 rated cable news channel by accident.
My firm played host to the national democratic party this past week…when i heard “lets see what FOX is saying” I kinda guessed that they are the biased channel. Politics…hsugh lawl
They were pretty much saying that the republicans got their asses handed to them, sounds pretty biased to me:jerkit: