tired of excuses so heres my pay me thread

Joe, sorry that you felt you had to post to the world about this.

Yes I owe you $20 for the oxygen sensor for my car. Yes I am going to pay you. No I never said I wasn’t going to pay you for the part. Yes I appreciate that you bought that belt for me.

I told you Saturday via text message to get a hold of me Sunday before 1pm. You text messaged me at 12:47 when I was already walking into work. So I said meet up with me after work and you said ok. Well while at work I felt like shit/throwing up (stomach bug always happens to me late winter early spring). So I left work early and came home, eventually sending you a message to let you know I wouldn’t be around tonight and that I could meet you today before 1pm or after 10pm (before or after I work).

So sorry that I have been a little bit unavailable, you know how that goes when work owns you and you get sick for whatever matter whether it be drinking or stomach sickness.

I am in no way out to screw you, and I wish you would have been a little more patient and understanding however, like I said before. Before 1pm and after 10pm and I can meet up with you later today or anyday this week, as that is my only availability unless you want to stop by where I work on my break.

Either way I am sorry that my availability on this matter has caused you great deals of financial instability that you needed to make a huge post. I appreciate the “hookup” you got me but I feel you are over exaggerating for $20 when you told me awhile ago when I said I would pay you back the next time I see you. “It’s ok I’m not in a hurry I know your in Buffalo and not going anywhere.” And I haven’t seen you since, I remember even paying for the $$ for the alternator before even getting the part, so in no way am I trying to scam you or be shady.

So Joe next time you feel this way you could have just called me a bunch of times last night and explained that you needed the money that bad and you could have came by and despite me feeling as shitty as I did and being asleep/bathroom, I’m sure my gf could have given you my money. But I didn’t even get a text message or call or message on aol (as my gf was around my phone and I told her to answer if you or anybody called).

Either way sorry homie, stop by later tonight I’ll be around.

Sorry to have caused you this problem that you needed to post about, but if you knew me at all you’d know that I’m not a guy that would ever screw someone over, just happened to be the wrong time and place the past couple days.