Wheres chino and whoever else this guy owes $$ too?

Here is a bulletin he posted on myspace

"im bored so yeah call the cell or dc me… or message me… there is nothing to do till way later

so yeah let me know

(changed to 847-987-8524)

thats a bulletin cuban/treak/I made mad jet engines yo’s contact information

Happy now?

huh? i mean… i know the circumstances for this thread…but you still managed to make no sense.

^^ just incase you choose to edit your post and can’t remember what you posted originally once you sober up.

are you already drunk bro…?? HAHAHA

my number is 847-987-8524 i typed my area code twice… spam me if you want… who cares…

no…that is his actual bulletin he posted on myspace with his contact info, I Was just forwarding the info, which I Said at the bottom of the post so how do you figure it didn’t make sense?
Are you drunk? anyways made more user friendly for those that couldn’t figure it out

you can just ask me if you want it… you don’t have to sneak around like your a hero cause you happened to catch me post a bulletin…

i have never refused to not give out my info…

but you have refused to pay your debts. Oh, and your statement never to not is asserting that you dont give out your info. God you suck at life, make sure that the toilets at boeing ar nice and fresh mr sanitation engineer trailor trash.

yes because talking down and degrading someone really wants to make them do anything nice… and i have not refused to do anything… i have his address for money orders when id rather do paypal… but i don’t ever see him on here that much… i check everyday to see if he comes on…but why explain myself…chino you got pm…

FYI paying someone back, is not “doing something nice” It’s called being responsible.

FYI maybe thats why im still here on this forum… so i can do the right thing? if i didn’t want to i wouldn’t be here… let alone have a reason to be seeing i do not live in new york.

FYI you came on as a troll until howie called you out?

hmm well i had to… cause some one deleted my account… so how could i come back when it said my account didn’t exist? hmm… same way others do i guess…

Gee when you said, “Delete my account”, that’s what we did… :roll2:

hmm so if i said for to do something stupid would you do it?
besides… this is really my only way of communicating with him anyways… im always on this forum… so you guys bash me for being the asshat/douchbag whatever else you want to call me when this was my means of communicating and yeah. it got taken away… so whatever… im not making that as an excuse my any means… but its a part of issue. i have not talked to him pretty much since my account and the other one were deleted. so it makes sense i guess but its being worked out.

I don’t like you much.

i love people who come into something when their .02 is not needed… no offense corey i don’t like you either… all your threads suck…and have absolutly no point… so why should this post be any different?

now since this thread will explode tomorrow im sure… im no longer gonna respond… so bash away… i have read it all a thousand times… it doesn’t bother me… i sent chino a pm… so thats how i will deal with it from now on…

or you could just pay him and end this stupid shit…


I’m seriously hurt.

This is the last time I try to pick up an Abercrombie and Fitch model by playing hard to get…

I’ll still be your friend corey it’s ok even if your not a model

back on topic, sell your z06/monte ss/bazillion dollar house and pay up

how’s the Z06?

how’s the 740?

how are things working out being an A&F model?

how’s boeing going?

man we miss you

pay your debts, dude

the ‘douchebag’ people call you isn’t something just like, out of the air - people think low of you because you owe them money for things you can’t afford.