Wheres chino and whoever else this guy owes $$ too?

awww… VICTIM. :cry:

Wow, hipocrite statement of the year. Lets go back to the Plane + treadmill = Drama thread…you had maybe 30% of the bulk in posts PRETENDING you worked for Boeing. Do you think your .02 was needed? Not to mention your .02 were among the most unintelligent posts in that thread, "but sir?! my supervisor at BOEING says im right!!! wah wah wah. this applies to countless other threads

You sound like an insecure and truly pethetic individual who lies to himself and others to be accepted. Pay Jim, stop crying, and then GTFO.

To the rest of you…good morning.

pay your fucking debts so i can reban you already.

do you understand that we ALL think of you as a dead beat piece of shit?


Cuban - it’s fucking so sad how long this had drawn out when you could have called Jim and settled this already…

well he would have

if you guys

wouldn’t have

banned him




Ugh, the Life-Sucking is very strong in this thread…

so i just realized wetwork the flight engineer at boeing = cuban crisis. That’s funny. Really funny.

i neve realized he was treak :lolham:


Good afternoon to you too

HMMMMM. HMMMM. this dude sounds like he sucks and i dont know him. which is clearly a good thing.

cuban, quit dodging, call him:

716 380 1382

wait wait…cuban crisis and treak are the same person… hmmm ok then

he has a bunch of banned user names

wow…you guys should feel loved, no matter what, he keeps coming back to the forum… :lol: he loves it here…

i dont think so man, dont forget he made his own forum!

if he really loved nyspeed it would have been a tribute forum, but instead it was something lame where he ended up banning all the members, haaha

he probably ran out of money to keep the site up and thats why he is back here :frowning:

^^ :lol:

I’m just glad I can fly with a sense of security again. :slight_smile:

I only flew via Airbus for awhile.

thats treaks, who lives in east amherst, and is not cuban

cuban is a trailer trash POS who lives in east buttfuck

cuban /= treak

oh word?

cuban DOES = superman, though

<— feels safe :tup: