Wheres chino and whoever else this guy owes $$ too?

technically its west buttfuck and no i don’t live in a trailer or east amherst…but nice try. and i love the still confusion over the treak thing… i have tried to explain it a million times… no one still gets it…

i remember why im trailer trash… thats cause i beat your ass in cs and you cried… i remember now…

So the trailor that you took pictures in wasn’t yours… oh yeah you live in that one house that has 5 different colored roofs and exteriors with your rich family. How did your family get “rich”, was it by saving all of the money that should have been used to pay debts or did they win the lottery? Obviously it was from no form of intelligence. Or is it that you and your family are a bunch of deadbeat trailor, yes there are lots of pics of your trailor, Trash. I know people that live in a trailor, most of them are good people who have had some rough times… You seem like the standard prejudicial definition of trash. Most people on the forums, even if i dont get along with them on-line, I seek to meet them in real life. Why? Because simply people are different in the real world vs. on-line and generally are somewhat cool people, but not you sir. oh no not you. You are obviously a liar and a retard with anything that you attempt, on-line or other. Jim is a really good guy and it sucks that he had to get involved with people like yourself. I guess this wasn’t a case of Caveat Emptor but rather Caveat venditor. Oh, and to save you the google search, that means seller beware.

Will a mod give him a custom title before banning him? Something like “Boeing Sanitation Engineer” or somehting actually funny since i have no good sense of humor in my sleepless state.

haha ripping people off… ha your fine one to talk pal… you know whom you have ripped off and screwed over… so your not anyone to talk to me… so fuck off… second off you don’t know me for shit. so say all you want… you think i take what you say to heart? you think it hurts me? go ahead ban me again… i will come back until im settled up with chino… and if you don’t like that then your the dickbags preventing me from keeping in contact with him… im going back to dealing in pms with jim… so say what you want… i don’t care… none of you affect my life by your words… i could care less what you say i have made that clear… lol yes a custom title… make it say what you want… it means nothing…

the best part of this forum is when 1 person hates you the rest jump on the bandwagon cause they need to fit in too so they hate you cause someone else does so yay for bandwagon fuckers… you all amuse me really… you get yourselves worked up over calling me out and talking shit to me… when infact i laugh at you for your efforts… most of you …

how hard is it to call him

Here are his threads tryingto collect from you, the personwho maintains an acct. here just to keep in contact with Jim:


how hard is it to stfu? i have already talked to him via pms… you want me to call him and say hi? ?? why don’t you just but the fuck out… oh wait… your on the bandwagon… my bad… i forgot sorry

thread one due to not having an account.

Well at least you see the thread that holds this forum together.

Not cars, but attention. :wink:

im not striving for attention… steve made the thread cause the thought he could expose my number… well like i said… i have never withheld it… so all you all had to do was pm me and ask… not try to impress each other with the

oh man i found cubans number im so leet!! OMFG!!!11111

i’ve known about you
for awhile now
when he leaves me
he wears a smile now
as soon as he’s away from me
in your arms is where he wants to be

but you’re the he rushes home to
you’re the one he gave his name to
i’ve never seen his face in the early morning light
you have his mornings, his daytimes, and sometimes i have his nights


good point, Linda.

does he wisper to you all his fantasies?


:gotme: I’m so lost. Why is a car forum the only way you can communicate with the guy you owe money to? I think I’ve read about this shit for over a year now. You seem eager to settle up, so if you owe him an amount of money that it takes you a year+ to come up with then why don’t you set up a payment plan with him? Not trying to start shit, just confused.

see now even tho you don’t know the story you are smarter then most… thats what we did… thats what i was working on originally when i was paying him… and i deleted alot of my old mail and his paypal requests were in there and i forgot they were so i asked him to resend them to me. so yeah its kinda like a payment plan yes
and the car forum because he is on here… well used to be on here alot and as am i… and i live in chicago so this forum is a great means to stay in contact

does he really need to request the money for you to pay him with PayPal? Why can’t you take the initiative to do it without him asking for it?

cause i didn;t know his paypal addy… and how do you just send money anyways? i don’t use paypal that often to know it sorry

edit: with money reqyests you can pay with credit card or atm debit card thats another reason why… i don’t keep money in my paypal account

*you can pay directly from your bank acc’t (just have acc’t #, routing #)without first having to ‘upload’ it to your paypal if you set it up properly. just play around the settings for a bit, man… i learned a shitload about tweaking all of it last week, adjusting/updating everything from my recent move. and if i can figure it out, well, pretty much anyone can :tup:

That’s the weakest excuse ever. You have Jimbo’s number, you write down his email address and send him his money. /fin

I love these threads.

This is just pathetic. If I recall its only a couple hundred bucks. Just fucking pay him!! If you are such a baller working for Boeing (haha) and being an Abercrombie model (teeehee) then you should be able to settle a small debt.

FYI, wetworks is banned for sucking…

you don’t need me to be online on nyspeed to pay up. I got your PM’s and you got my invoices, lets see if it ever gets paid

wtf, how am i supposed to get paid if you keep cockblocking me matt