Wheres chino and whoever else this guy owes $$ too?


you guys both suck.

so, according to him, he’s not going to pay you anymore chino

I’m wondering if the guys in chicago think he’s a boeing engineer, A&F Model, or Superman?

Maybe all 3?


that is obviously a chop, you’ve never been over 50% in cs :lol:

and cuban was the max haxxxer

this leads me to initiate the:


sooo i sent new invoices, and emailed, but alas nothing :tdown:

how much does he owe you again?

annnnnnd Where does he live… ?

he could pay it off in unordered pizzas or something, if nothing else

EDIT: man, wish there was something that you could do that’d be worth your time getting the money back… alkdsjf

Joel, he lives in Chicago I think

no no smallville.

he says he talked to you chino, true?

I know he can’t read this under his SN now since he’s banned, but in case he can read it and to clarify, I could barely type that with a straight face. Just trying to lead him into admitting that he’s a bum. He obviously has no intentions of paying, hence his bullshit excuses. I hate to be the one to say it in plain english, but this guy has proven that he’s a bum and the only way any of you guys will see any money is if you take him to court.