Attn: sunhawk

:eek: sight&sound has a car better then a 19 year old:eek:

Originally posted by sunhawk08
:eek: sight&sound has a car better then a 19 year old:eek:



:finger: :moon:

Originally posted by Sight N Sound
shaggy I think he is talking to me :tounge:

damnit, why do i get left out on the E-Fighting:bash: :bash:


Originally posted by Shaggy
damnit, why do i get left out on the E-Fighting:bash: :bash:

You just don’t posess the gift of helping people to hate you then they won;t say shit in public? :dunno:


Dude i am scared of nobody if your gonna wanna hit me or something do it. Cause it’ll only hurt for so long and then i’ll be back to my ways of somehow pissing you and shaggy off like i care bout you 2. How old are you cause i mean if you wanna go that direction i have friends that are probably older and bigger then you.

Originally posted by sunhawk08
Dude i am scared of nobody if your gonna wanna hit me or something do it. Cause it’ll only hurt for so long and then i’ll be back to my ways of somehow pissing you and shaggy off like i care bout you 2. How old are you cause i mean if you wanna go that direction i have friends that are probably older and bigger then you.

first off where did I say anything about physically violence to you? again there is that 2nd grade reading level of yours.

Second your 19 fight your own battles… Oh wait you’re still in high school at 19 does that mean you have to have parental consent to be any where I might be? :rolleyes:

I don’t know what triggered you to hate me so bad cause i never caused a problem on this website. I bite and bite my lip and it doesn’t matter i still get your stupid ass comments. Like spelling and periods. How bout this NOBODY is perfect get a life and get off the internet and do something for your wife or clean the house a bit or do something god how old are you to still be pickin fights with high school kids.

I got held back in 1st grade dick. And thats because my math wasn’t up to par. WOW way to be a dick.

:lockd: :lockd: :lockd: :lockd: :lockd: :lockd: :lockd:

Originally posted by sunhawk08
I don’t know what triggered you to hate me so bad cause i never caused a problem on this website. I bite and bite my lip and it doesn’t matter i still get your stupid ass comments. Like spelling and periods. How bout this NOBODY is perfect get a life and get off the internet and do something for your wife or clean the house a bit or do something god how old are you to still be pickin fights with high school kids.

Well dipshit eveidently I was doing somthing the past two days I had off. I even stated it in the meets section about stripping out a garage and doing a bunch of electrical work today which has to be finished next wednesday when I’m off again. Remember you responded with " I always get shocked" Probably explains your slow comprehension skills.

Telling me to get a life :rolleyes: does bragging about not paying attention in school while playing on pitt speed ring a bell?

Pot - Kettle - Black

Yeah thats about it :rolleyes:

Originally posted by whitey
ragtop is a low life bitch… please get off my high society web site… we are to baller for your low status

Whitey say’s “I got a gun in my car”

= Punk ass jus like all the rest down that way, ALL Mouth with ADMIN Power.

Originally posted by 2QWIK2C
Whitey say’s “I got a gun in my car”

= Punk ass jus like all the rest down that way, ALL Mouth with ADMIN Power.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

guido style:D

Dude please go take your wife out to dinner or something your married time to do more then wire a garage to show affection. And dude seriously its a business class i already know about APR’s and retirement funds and all the stuff they teach its better then sleeping and still getting A’s so whatever you don’t know me.

I don;t know you? Shit how about My wife is at her job :rolleyes: . Guess you don;t knwo too much either.Sorry but me nor my wife are lazy and usually work around the house together then travel around on the weekends in the summer. You know nothing.

I also didn’t know a buisness class only covered APR’s and retirment funds. If you knew all that stuff why take the class? Easy way out, Lazy? Lying about what you know or care about? Why not apply yourself to more than buying a mustang to fit in or all geeked about washing LS1babe’s car :rolleyes:

Just an FYI so you can get rid of the image of me doing one electrical box and bing done, I stripped everything form the garage and after I was done with that I was doing landscping with my wife which included more than cutting the grass :rolleyes: . The garage is the first step in rewiring the whole basment / Bar level because some one with your wits screwed it all up because he didn;t take the time to apply himself either. :tounge:

i dont even know where to jump in on this one…

Originally posted by Gnocide
i dont even know where to jump in on this one…


I’m not trying to tell you how to make marriage successful i don’t even know you. I’m sure your pretty cool in person and all but this correcting everything i say and telling me my car is all wrong because you don’t like how it looks and all that crap it needs to stop i asked once already and you think this shit makes me mad. Got news it doesn’t anyone that knows me knows that i am to easy going to care what you say bout my car. Cause I am selling it i want a mustang. Make fun i don’t care. I LOVE 5.0’s And i like what i like you like what you like who cares its just a car. I could see if you had a trans-am or mustang or whatever i was here to have fun not to be a internet hardass. Ragtop has met and talked to me and we didn’t have a problem i’m not that bad of a guy.