Attn: Zexaccord

Nitrous= teh gheyness! (unless the car is already running 11’s or lower)
Nitrous on stock motor= even more gheyness…

Proud your car ran 15.2 on nitrous = pricelessly ghey!

just cuz your car has a body kit, rims, and NAAAAAAAAWWWWZZZZZZ doesnt mean your “king of streets”


ZEXaccord98: gimmmme a linkie
Me: did you donate?
ZEXaccord98: nope
ZEXaccord98: i wouldn’t give that board a fucking dollar
Me: then you cant see it lol

so on my stocks cars that i had NOS means im :greddy: ,dam boy ur infor it now!

  1. SloShelby sucks

does ur mom know you put nitrous in her car? Does she even know what it is? cause u sure dont

wheres that from be_rad?

where is what from?

:weak: :finger2: :gaysex: :rolleyes: :blah: :zzz:


this is by far the gayest fucking e fighting thread ever!

fuck u inbreed wv ohio cocksucking :tool:

x2…knew it was going to be b/c slowshleby started it…

hey slow…not every one is going to drop money on a message board, ya its oonly 10 bucks, but other ppl just come on here casually, not every waking moment like you