audiophiles... 5.1 help (computer)

so I’m looking to order a 5.1 system from new egg for the PC. I’m not looking to spend a lot of cash… maybe 100.00 tops (if it’s worth it for me).

I saw a bunch of systems all claiming to be 5.1… buuuut, I was reading some reviews of a logitec system and it said that “it” wasnt really 5.1 (dts) compatible, as there was no decoder.

this got me to thinking… I’m already using an old crappy 4.1 system (speakers arent the best, the sub crackles and there is no remote to control the system lol) so I’m not gonna waste the $$$ if it’s just gonna be a doly 2.0 system with 5 speakers lol

so can anyone point me in the right direction for a “decent” setup (that wont make my wallet DIAF)

any thoughts/suggestions?

this looked decent…

EDIT: Also, my onboard (ac97) sound supports 2.0,4.1,5.1… I didnt want to spend the extra cash if I didnt have to, but would you suggest going with a new sound card as well?

in order to get any kind of digital 5.1 sound, you need a soundcard that supports 5.1, or an external decoder.

those speakers will be fine once you get all the other shit u need to make it 5.1