Auto Financing - Options?

Yeah i was already with a credit union and my initial loan was 3.9 the payments were getting to be a burdon so i decided to sell or get another loan. I would have missed my car too much so i took another loan. My current bank doesn’t refinance on their own loans so i had to look elsewhere. Lending tree hooked me up with my car insurance back in the day so i thought i would give them another try and wasn’t let down.

awesome, thanks for the info!!

When auto-financing, try and get rid of any revolving credit you can. **

BECU is 4.9% on used cars which is what I have. But you have to live in WA. Although they just asked for an address nothing even with my name on it.

need more information on the car before i tell you where to go.

What exactly do you mean?

Not only do you know about this car already, but why would you need to know more about it to suggest lending options?

the credit union at sisters hospital offers like 5.5 % on used cars right now… if you have good credit, 4.5 if new i believe

Excuse my ignorance… what does NFCU stand for? A google search brings up a handful of different Credit Unions.

Sorry, Navy Federal Credit Union. You can get in with any relative that was in any armed service.

edit: Penfed is also very good if you can get in.

Damn - noone in the military…

“24-36month loan on $5000” I’m going to guess it’s probably an older car also. This is the worst possible scenario for a bank because the car is worthless to them if you default. Most would end up having to do a personal loan.

o that car, i would go to the OPCU, it is right by your mom’s old work.

This thread makes me really happy in the pants that I just got 0% for 60 months on my new VW.

was it a vw promotion? Cause i know im my case subaru was offering the same when i got mine and in fine print… excluding STi

I don’t need to get this loan, but I would like to pay off CC debt with my cash in hand, rather than pay for a car. Even if it’s a 24 month loan, it is likely to be paid off within a year.

I’ll check out the credit unions… thanks guys.

lending tree will beat some of the credit unions and give you more payment options. Its worth a look.

if its over 10k use if you have excellent credit.

that’s pretty cool… thanks for the link…

dozr: you still fail to realized that nobody will give a favorable car loan on an old car worth 5K because they don’t want the POS car when you default. might as well just do a personal loan. I’ll be amazed if you get a true car loan (with a lean) for anything under 6%.

if I was you I would roll the CC debt into another card with 0% for a year and pay the car in full. You’ll be paying 0% finance if you do this. you can’t beat it.

Dozr: I missed it, but pending your credit, the amount of outstanding debt you have with revolving tradelines ( credit cards / store cards ) affect the rate that you are eligible for. Your debt utilization plays a considerable role in the affective APR you can get.