Auto Financing - Options?

not an easy place to get a loan through. They are picky to the EXTREME! You need many years of amazing credit history, and not a lot of current debt. Been there, tried that, with my father co-signing, and he has a ton of great credit history including multiple mortgages.

How do you know what car it is? i do and it isnt that old. maybe 06? what you fail to realize is you should type all of your thoughts on the great internet with out knowing the facts… or asking for them.

nice link.


so it’s an 06 with a value of $5000? now I’m curious… but still the underlying facts remain the same.

hmm… guesses on 2 year old cars with a value of 5k?

Take an equity loan, like 3% right now if you own a place.

Originally Posted by POOPRA
PM Dozer, his dad is over at Marks auto parts. He can get anything

it is worth more but that all the $$ he needs to pay it off.

so he already owns said car with an outstanding loan? or is this some family member selling it way under value deal?

I got approved by them through lending tree as well. They had a sligtly higher interest rate than the company i picked. Slightly meaning by like a10th of a percent

that is for him to discuss if he would like, and this is not thread to do it in…

05 cavalier :gotme:

well it’s necessary information if he wants advice… if it’s a car worth $10k that he’s buying for $5k then he has $5k equity in the car which makes all the difference in the world.

KBB is 10k…

I don’t need financial advice, I was just looking for decent lenders/rates.


which is like saying “I don’t care about my credit score but I want a low APR”

different financial situations require different lenders and strategies… unless you don’t care about saving money.

It is saying that I would like to borrow 5k for a private party auto loan, and I am looking for lenders who may have good rates for this type of loan. I got the information I need, thank you for your persistence in making sure I can handle my own finances. If there were any other major factors that played into this, for example, if i had a shitty credit score - I would have been sure to mention them.

I do not need hand holding, I simply was looking for some additional options, which I have plenty of now.
