Auto Radiator Problem.

Ok, well my rad was leaking, so i got a rad not knowing about the auto tranny cooler lines… ect. I cant return it, so i was wondering if i had to connect the tranny cooler lines, or if i could bypass it.

oyu could probably bronze a fitting to the end cap

you*and a local shop could do it

I have an auto car… sorry forgot to say that.

you should do your best to return the rad. tell them you asked for an auto rad. and you did not notice until it was installed and you went to slip the lines on.

joining them together. i seriously would not. if anything get an external cooler and lengthen the lines.

Ye… im gonna grab myself a oil cooler… and use it for the tranny… then when i turbo… ill use it to cool the oil.

much more simple the putting in the right one to start


Thanks guys… got one from the junkyard at put it in the front of the rad…