ATTN: neonmike

Flyinglow has been helping me a little with this problem. you know the tranny lines that come out of the tranny case and run up towards the rad? what size are they? i have a big puddle of tranny fluid under my car and i think i located the bad line…just don’t know the size and what type of tubing to use to fix it

my question is what happened in the last thread that made it get deleted? but we think that it is narrowed down to somewhere right where the lines go into the radiator/trans cooler.

did it deleted cause shelby has a stick? (in his car only obviously)

i would be the blame for that…SloR/T said the he didn’t know and to ask neonmike…so i just deleted and remade with diff title. But i have a pic(that sucks) that i’m about to post

i have a (manual) :rofl:

i would be the blame for that…SloR/T said the he didn’t know and to ask neonmike…so i just deleted and remade with diff title. But i have a pic(that sucks) that i’m about to post
its crappy but you can see on the line where the fluid is(its shiny) and where it isn’t…this is the line connected directly to the tranny and it seems to be leaking from right in that area…my guess is these lines are 110k miles old like the car and are giving…are there supposed to be clamps on these?

:eek: wtf is that?
if you have a digital camera just take a pic of it from like 4 feet away and when you go to put it on the computer the res will be high and you’ll see it fine

that definately looks like the coke works down in clairton.

i’ll take a good pic in the morning with the digi…its dark outside…cold…and the crackheads are out…anybody know what type of line is supposed to replace this one?

well from doing little research, and knowing nothing about neons. When you figure out what line it actually is… Make sure to check your motor mounts. It seems that once a mount goes bad, that line your having trouble with seems to go also. It just causes extreme tension on that line and eventually just splits.

The trans lines are kinda small. I’m not 100% sure on what size they are, but they definitely should be clamped. They get hard and brittle from what I remember.

Starboy is on the right track with the motor mounts. The front mount tends to wear out over time, and if the engine can rock back and forth it could cause cracks in the hose.

:bowrofl: wow your right

I’m sure SloR/T can key in on this one…stock motor mounts suck on neons…i do remember a while back when i was changing my ebrake pads and my rear brakes my dad gave a loud “WTF” when i shifted the car into gear with him looking at the front mount…there was a bit of movement but we all know rubber mounts suck…time to get the prothane mounts from And starboy what you are saying makes a lot of sense. I have figured out that it is ONE of the transmission cooling lines…weather it’s in or out i don’t know but i do know its NOT clamped…if it was it isn’t anymore…clamp probably rusted off. I’m glad you guys know more about cars than me…reading up on things is always fun…but not when your car is sitting and you can’t move it for fear of screwing something else up…i think almost all the tranny fluid is gone…i’ll be taking moms truck to advanced tomorrow to get a line and clamps…once i figure out what line will hold better…as flyinglow told me fuel lines are only rated at like 100lbs…tranny pressue is supposed to be in the 200-300’s…somebody knows the answer to this…pewter where are you?

flyinglow sounds right but pewter should be chimin any minute now


u need rubber line or metal?

the one thats there is rubber. is there a way to get a metal one on there?

bump…upon further inspection this morning i found…two transmission cooling lines…one on top one on bottom…both running to different sides of the radiator. the bottom line is bad…the clamp is there but covered in oil…thats the one thats leaking. they are both rubber lines so i’ll take rubber as a replacment…unless it’s just as easy to put metal in its place

napa sells hose made for transmissions!

napa is a bit far to be running to wit mommys truck…called advanced and they have tranny line…right over the bridge to homestead i go. TY guys