Auto Show May 5th at SUNY IT (Utica)

Word I’m not entering since I have a stock car lol, but with a new found babysitter my leave time got alot more flexible. Ill prolly end up going to turning stone after so I prolly won’t stay til 4 either. PM me when you get an idea, I don’t mind taking the extra trip out to cobleskill, I’m still in the “new car looking for excuses to drive it” phase lol.

Yea man lets meet at the parking ride. Me and the girl and going to. :rofl

Word anyone got an address or directions to the park and ride? Coming from Guilderland area. All three of us with girlfriends. Does this mean we can have a “who’s girl is most scared/pissed off at the end of the trip” contest?

Meet at 8, roll out 8:30 sound good?

Just follow Rt7 to cobleskill you will see a park and ride on your left near I-88. And idk man my women is pretty neutral.

Its exit 22 off 88, Intersection of 7/145. If youre coming off the exit make a right, then left at the light, and its on your left. This is all of 1/8 mile distance lol.

Lol it was a joke. My girl freaks out a bit though every time I get on it a little lol.

Do you know what exit off 88 I’m close to the duanesburgh exit so that’s prolly fastest for me. I’m guessing just use the coby exit and ill see it?

Never mind red beat me to my answer before it was even asked haha.,Utica,+NY&cid=0,0,12144758932690126666&ei=AK-CUbiZLurs0QHC-YCYAg&ved=0CKUBEPwSMAA

Not sure if this link will work, but google gives 1:17 travel time with not taking 90 for the tail end. I think it should be a bit later, because its cool to be late, and I dont get up easily lol. Meet at 9 maybe?

Well I want to ensure I get a good spot not shitty like OC meet ha

9 works better for me too since its prolly 30 min drive time for me to get there.

Well I guess we will wait for u to get there but right at 9 we out lol. But I’ll be there at 8:30 so if u wanna come out at that time red let me know

I can prolly make whatever work its just easier at 9 lol.

Red you need to have a red car to bring, preferably a winged red car so we can all be red winged buddiez haha.

Yeah we had a pretty decent number of cars last year, usually enough to have a lot decently full. This year is looking like it should be bigger as well since we’ve promoted it much better. We generally have people showing up through most of the morning.

Link to google maps directions from schenectady to the lot we’re going to be running the show. Although once you hit the campus, we’ll have a whole bunch of signs for the auto show all over the place.

Address for GPS: SUNY Institute of Technology, 100 Seymour Rd, Utica, NY

There shouldn’t really be any shitty spots there.

Also: Speed limit on campus is like 25mph, and there’s a black toyota highlander hybrid that they use as an unmarked police vehicle.

Thanks for the heads up on undercover :rofl

Jettakid, I will be over at 9, but I will look out the window as I eat my brown sugar pop tart at 830.

My red hatch isnt on the road, or I would lol. Tsx has a ripped cv boot, so its either the TL or S/C Frontier. 31mpg vs 14.5… bwah

Well damn. Lol oh well. It’ll still be nice to cruise out with people.

Pop tart reminds me there’s a dunkin right where I get on 88 fuck yeah turkey sausage flat bread FTW!

Hahaha okay :lol

Well now my plans have changed again. Ill still be at the car show Sunday, but we have a babysitter for tomorrow night now. So the girl and I are heading out sat night and doing the turning stone thing and catching up on some much needed alone time haha. Ill have to catch up with you guys at the show and maybe cruise back with one or both of you depending on when you plan to head out.

Alright man, Cheers

So red, we can head out at 8:45ish but ill be there at 8:20