AUTOCAD 2000-2004 users... possible job for you

well, a company contacted me about this job but I declined as I’m not very strong in AutoCad (opposed to UniGraphics/Solidworks). Anyway, they look to be paying pretty decent (offered me 5.00 more an hour than I’m currently making) and you’d be a full time employee opposed to a contract worker. So I assume good benefits and better PTO

From what I know, it’s doing drawings and 3D models for piping and construction equipment. If intrested, shoot me a PM and I’ll give you the name of the place to send your resume.


does it pay more than 25/hr?

does it pay more than $10/hr

newman… probably all depends on experiance and all that jazz. I dont know personally

The lady that contacted me, when asked about pay, asked me how much I’d be willing to take to leave my current company and work for said company… I told her no less than 22.00 an hour and she said that shouldnt be a problem… so If your real good with autocad and do good on an interview, I’m sure they’d be willing to pay ya more.

does it pay more than $10/hr

I’m sure it would… but then again… that depends on alot of things (experience/education/ect). This isnt my company or anything. I just figured I’d pass it along to some of the peeps on here.

fuck piping sucks. I dont think they will pay 45K a year for someone with no experience, better have a few years under your belt.

Steve just for shits and giggles send me the company info. I would like to see what their about.

piping does suck…but thats what i do now so i know it (i do it in CAD not field)_

send your resume in man. Sounds like its right up your ally. I havent done piping sence college so its out of my league. Although I have 5 years of experience drafting in the field and I make shit money, maybe its time to look for a new job.

25/hr is 52K

22/hr is 45k

i need a new job…where i make thqt much…stupid 10/hr…