autoline on speed

we have 16 different blends of gasoline mandated by different federal and state regulations. this does not include the different grades of gas.

i knew there were summer and winter blends, and some other shit… but 16 is a lot.

they mentioned that if they only needed to make a couple of blends, gas prices would drop .30 a gallon.

i am sure they could drop it even more, but they still want to make more profit :slight_smile:

but it makes me wonder why there isnt an all around standard instead of all these differnet regulations in different states and what not. is there someone making money off of it? are people just ignorate of it? would people rather bitch about it than fix it? anyone have any ideas?

Some of the blends are used to keep smog at a limited amount. Yes it would be great if they would just make 2 standard gases but chances are they would use they same blends that NY and CA uses which means your going to have a huge bitching fest of all the people in the middle whose gas just went up.

word i heard that two… must not have went to the rally. did you hear when what they said about those “chinze” ka’z $3G new!

yea, that was wild. but by the time they get here, and through customs i am sure they will be more like 9-10k. still, it will be great for a first car, disposable daily driver, or whatever.

To quote the great Homer J Simpson in a crowning moment of clarity: “Why can’t somebody else do it”

This is america afterall :bloated: