Gas heading back to $2 a gallon?

‘We’ll be closer to $2 than $3 come Thanksgiving,’ Fred Rozell, a gas analyst at at the Oil Price Information Service, told the newspaper.

Gas in Buffalo is rediculious, it’s 2.49 a gal here for reg and it’s still going down…

last winter it got as low as 1.87/gal here when in Buffalo it was like 2.50 a gal :gotme:

payed 3.15 the other day when i filled up with 93 :frowning:


i was happy that 93 is 2.99 down here, 89 is 2.90, 87 is 2.79


I read an article about this approximately 4 months ago…never happened…

There is always something that happens that makes prices jump…ie the hurricane headed for florida, everyone freak out and lets raise the cost of oil!

The only silver lining to this that I can see is that people are finally starting to become wise to the crap the oil industry pulls and the flucuations are of a smaller magnitude

That plus NY and CA caved to the environmental hippies and decided to go with boutique blend fuels.

Me too. $40 tank.

hurricane is not a hurricane anymore, its a tropical depression.

ill beleive it when i see it

:word: fuck the planet, it’s all about the here and now…

True, but Broward as a whole is shut down still until tomorrow.

$3.30 for 93 last week.

wah wah wah whatever…if youre worried about saving 5 bucks every time you fill your tank, dont drive a car…this is what gas costs…if you dont like it, ride your bike.

interesting article tho, if it happens, yay…if not…oh well.

so far not many people have had too much reason to complain…

93 oct at 3.27/gal…with a 18 gallon tank. sucks, but like cuv says…nothing you can do about it, bitching wont get you anywhere…

Thats not that bad its like 60-70 a tank for me since my car has a 21.2 gallon tank…

I hope the price of diesel drops too, I paid $2.99 last week

$2.81 for 87 this morning, i think 93 was still above $3 though

we’re past the point of no return anyhow… don’t You listen to PassMcGrass?

I paid $2.77 for 93 this morning on my way to work…