Automobili Lamborghini!

Yes :tup:

congrats. I made the post and I immediatly asked you about the carb to affirm my suspicions. too bad the aim convo doesnt should 1/100ths of a second, cuz than you wouldve really zinged me :bloated:

White00s10 (7:45:32 PM): 83 countach was carbed, right/
RedStarquesTSi (7:48:08 PM): i know some were, but i dont know the years

lol sry robbin this thread :lol: carrry on

I’ve heard that they are possibly the worst super cars to drive, but I still want one so badly.

Thats my friend Chucks car … I hope you guys are all squared away with the job ?? …

And he does have the factory wing for it …

Good luck Don … just take your time

This thing is getting done as fast as possible so I can drive it.

The rear tires are 345’s

The clutch is not readily available. By that I mean it is not available. It is getting sent to california for rebuilding and there is a couple of custom parts getting machined to replace weak factory parts in the clutch design.

LOL I jumped on ebay, 'cause usually I can find anything on ebay. And I did.

That is still VERY, VERY, VERY expensive, for a damn clutch. I bet rebuilding it is cheaper. I hope it holds up! Good luck with the project.

Ha, this car was at Evan’s for like a month. I remember in the shop it was this, Evan’s 911, and my Esprit. Tough line-up. Apparently Chuck had second thoughts about doing the job when he heard how much the clutch was going to cost, haha.

Good job for you guys Don, you should make a lot of money on it. Have fun pulling the motor and tranny out the top, haha.

LOL, the same company makes the OEM Volvo clutchs from the same era…

Sachs makes just about every euro clutch from 1970-current

hot car, just not feeling the red interior.

Red was pimp, when that car came out. Of course, many moons have past…and taste changes.

You know I thought this at first also, but he said we came highly recommended. And personally I thought well if these people think we are up to it then damn it I’m in. Gary and myself are pretty meticulous (anal) about how things leave here and our quality. So I’m more than confidant that this will turn out well. Even if it is a Lambo. :wink:

I intend to do this as best as we can just like every job. If there is one rule when it comes to performance work that we live by it is that you cannot flat rate a job (meaning flying through it and cutting every corner).

This is why we are poor :stuck_out_tongue: And may be why sometimes things take a little longer than originally estimated. I would never feel comfortable slamming a car together for someone jsut to make a deadline. I try to meet every deadline however if it means less quality or rushing something that could potentially harm someone then I dont care how long it takes as long as it is done right the first time and in the end the customer is happy. Comebacks are expensive and I for one cannot afford them. No one is perfect but this is my livelihood and my personal reputation and I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let it go down the drain just so someone can go out and KIll MaD HeAdZ on dA sTreetS y0!!!

People sink hard earned money into their projects, and in Buffalo, That is HARD EARNED money. If there is anything I respect it is someone working hard and saving money to finally build something they have always wanted. We do our best to make sure that everyone gets what they deserve. They bust their ass to afford their cars we bust our knuckles to give it to them.

Chuck is someone who definatly knows what it is like to work for something and again we will do our best to uphold that simple respect for another hard working person.

Either way, he and all of our customers can rest assured that their cars are in the hands of professionals who genuinely care for their jobs and your respect.

We love what we do and it shows. :slight_smile:

Well said. I’ve never left Hybrid Connection being Less then Satasfied. Everything I’ve had done there, I am pleased with.

Thanks it means alot to us. :slight_smile:

whole post = :tup:

That’s why we love You, and spread the word as much as we can.

Though, I still feel kind of shitty about recommending HC for maintenance stuff. …Like it’s a step down or something, though it pays the bills.


Dude, I’ll work on anything to keep my doors open. I’m Blue Collar and no matter how succesful this may become, I will always be Blue Collar. I’m not too proud.

On the other hand, if I am not the most qualified for the job I will be the first person to tell you that. I would have hard time sleeping at night charging someone money for something I am not sure I could do the best.

Hey now, I’m not saying, nor implying that. I still tell anyone (that might listen) to check You guys out.
I think it’s fantastic that You can have a couple of JDM Skylines, 600whp STI’s, and a random DSM in the shop while doing an oil change on an S-10. :slight_smile:

Hey, gimme a break:

Although the name Nick creates idealism and the urge to help others, we emphasize that it causes a blunt expression that alienates others.

However, this name makes it awkward for you to express your deeper thoughts and feelings with finesse and diplomacy to the extent that your candid, sometimes blunt, manner of speaking creates misunderstandings with others.

ell oh ell :stuck_out_tongue: I knew what you were trying to say, much appreciation Nick.

one word… and make sure you use it in your contract for this.
