Autox tommorow

Its the weekend of the 30th at wilton mall. Same price, registration ends at 9, and ive been hearing its a larger course.

oppie has the lifted truck that wasn’t entered. the blown yota was Pete’s

You were there yesterday?? How the hell did I miss you?

Wayne, you had the black Cobra? Sounded nasty! What year is it?

03, thanks man! you should’ve said hello!

Actually --registration ends at 9:15. Late registration ( extra $10) from 9:15-9:30 ish

I couldn’t really tell who was driving it with the helmet on… did you have a cowboy hat on?
I thought I overheard someone with a cowboy hat on say they were driving it but I wasnt sure… might’ve been halucinating from overheating… haha
Whats done to it anyway?

definitely was me with the cowboy hat! i never leave home without it LOL!!!

intake, exhaust, handheld tuner and lowered a bit.

Definitely a good event for sure! I had a blast and I was surprised to see so many people out there! It’s just fun to see what your car can actually do. Hopefully I see some more people at the next event at Wilton Mall in 2 Weeks.

Ah, yes, the mustang’s launch (that I caught) was very impressive. :slight_smile:

Oppie- which car did you run?

Sorry, guys- I didn’t realize who was who- I was the worker chief so I’m sure I saw everyone at some point…

Definitely fun event, nice to run at a new site. The heat was slightly oppressive however.

wayne and his fucking cowboy hat :lmao :lmao

and i talked to pete real quick in the truck, seems like a good dude. oppie, what were you driving?

lol i’d have driven with it on if they let me!

I’m glad to see some new people come out and run in the event…autocrossing is a great sport to learn car control and beat your friends on the course. Kinda like connect four…
Nice to also see the drift hustle dudes come out just to say hi and watch…
i’ve been kinda down on auto-x recently…nice to see people come in and replace us disgruntled folk…
bringing the beetle to wilton mall…and all it’s softly sprung goodness

Hot dog charlies :frowning: not so hot in the heat

whats the wilton lot like? have they ever had an event there?

+1. Are the runs going to be more than 35 seconds? I loved the one event at FMCC I went to when I first got my Subaru. 50 seconds or so long,but a crummy lot.

For those who went yesterday- what were your best times? I managed a 35.781…I beat dkid15 and that was really my only goal, haha.

No results yet — but when they are posted they will be here

Although usually EJ posts something on the Mohud forums 1st

I have never been to Wilton mall, so I am not sure how big it is --but that is one of the issues with local sites. They are tough to come by, even tougher to keep and usually on the small side compared with other AX sites in the northeast

Not much of a goal but good looks! :rofl

I’ve got a couple vids I’ll put up here in a bit. I ran a 34.7 unofficially, lol.

Dude! What the hell! I was everywhere. I can’t believe we missed each other. See you at the next one?

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