AutoX tomorrow 4/23

it is supposed to rain tomorrow for the autox, i was wondering if they still run the autox in the rain or if it will be cancelled. im trying to figure out if i wanna go up and watch the autox or plan something else. if i remember correctly they run the autox in the rain but im not sure. any info would be great. and

As long as there isin’t lightning or hail we run.

I’m digging for my raingear right now. Main reason i’m going is I finally get to run my own car after almost 1 1/2 years.

I’ll be there to watch.

I’ll be there…to race

still on for today?

Now would be a good time to go if you wanted to watch, they should have started hours ago so running would be out.

It was wet when we arrived in the morning but not rainy. By the drivers meeting around 10 the sky was getting a bit lighter, course was getting dry spots. Not much later the sun poked though and I was walking around in a short sleve shirt, we had a really nice day!