Doesnt look like rain. TRACK??

My car SHOULD be back together for tonight. and if it doesnt rain ill be there. Anyone else??

I dont see any rain?? :x:

I talked to mark little bit ago. he said if he gets some stickies for his wheels he just got he is goin up. I am goin tuesday

supra mark?

mmmmmm soup!:smiley:

ah shit, stuff keeps poppin up :frowning:

is test and tune tonight???

yeah he got 2 of those RX7 wheels the guy at the track tuesday had laying around

test and tune and also street wars.

what now?

excuses are like tampons…

i might roll up tuesday if my new boost controller gets here in time

im going on tuesday to blast out some 16 second times

not to be ignorant… but why waste your money… unless you bracket race that thing and need practice

Why waste your time running a high 11 second car when you can build a 8 second car? the reason is, is because you enjoy it, just b/c my car isnt fast doesnt mean its still not enjoyable. Isnt that what racing is about, having fun? Not to mention that everyone starts out somewhere. Thats why i do it, and its only $15.

That makes no sense. Unless you need practice? Who doesnt need practice and a lot of people race for the fun of it and could care less if they win or lose. I will say the faster the car the more fun but I wouldn’t call it a waste of money.



i thought everyone was boycotting the track cause of the gravel. Guess not