Avoid the Destiny at Silverstar Blvd guys!

from www.tsxclub.com

Long story but I will try to keep it short and clear, high-lighted the important part. We did what we have to do and thinking if further action is needed.

Last night after dinner, me and 2 of my friends decided to chill @ Destiny as we didn’t want any alcohol. We ordered some drinks snack, also bought a deck of cards for $2 and play. Half an hr later, 2 more friends arrived. It took us like 10 mins to get a waitress come by to take orders. 15mins later the drink arrived, 1 of the drink is a steaming Hot Chocolate.

The girl have a couple zip, and decided to add sugar in it. When she stirred the drink, 2 chocolate chunk floated up. And guess what, it’s NOT chocolate chunk. It’s NOT 1 but 2 Cockroaches in it. See pictures below.


We were shock and brought up the issue w/ the waitress. At first she apologized and offer 13% off drinks. WOW, what a discount on “special” drinks. We decided to talk to their manager, but apparently the Manager has already left. Waitress came back with an offer to waive our “drink” bill, but still charge us on the food. Since we have ordered snack too, we assumed that their food is dirty as well. Their excuse was the bar and kitchen were separated, but they tend to forget Cockroach has legs.

Meanwhile, 2 of my friends vomited and one of them even threw up in front of the waitress. We asked them who’s in charge and we would like them to take the responsibility, well, no body in charge @ night after 11:30p.m I guess. We were politely asking for the emergency # just to speak w/ the Manager, got refused.

Fine, so while the argument was going on, one of my friend took a video w/ his cell. We have also brought the drinks to every single table @ Destiny, shown them the drinks, and ask what they would do if it happens to them. We also have other parties to say the location, date, and time and as to prove this drink were from them.

Now they got nervous and flipped the story, saying that we brought in the cockroaches and put it in the drinks. They came back, offer us to waive ALL BILLS as a compensation. The problem is, they did not realized the problem. Their attitude was like who give a **** if there are cockroaches in the drink. Well, the person who zip it, is a nurse in practice. She asked the waitress if she knew what type of diseases the cockroaches can carry, waitress answer was, if there’s any sickness go to a hospital and we will pay for it. Not an apology and she walked away.

Since it’s not going anywhere, we decided to leave. However, we got blocked @ the door, and the waitress said we intentionally took a video of her without her notice~! (BTW: All waitress English were pretty bad that, she kept saying we took a picture of her when she meant we took a video of her) Other bartender came along to ask my friend to delete the video. My friend denied to do that, and they decided to DETAIN us in the restaurant~!

So what did we do? We end up calling the cops for help. They came, look @ the drinks and comment it’s disgusting, got our info, and talk to them. Emergency radio called them, they rushed out and came back in 15mins. They saw the video(s), and comment that its not against human right or any violation, as long as we don’t publicize the one w/ the waitress face on. We deleted 2 out of 3 videos in front of the cops/waitress just to keep ourselves out of trouble.

Before any drama started, all we want was to talk to someone who’s in charge but they denied to give out the info. The cops helped us to ask them who’s the Manager is, and they denied to give out info to the Cops. The cops had enough of that so he said he want to call the Manager directly himself, it took the waitress/bartender 3 mins to say the Manager name, the proper spelling, and find the contact #.

We left the place @ 12:30ish and I said to myself, NEVER COME BACK TO THIS PLACE AGAIN.

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uhhhhhhhh… wow… thats all i can say…

Fuuuuck, I go there all the time!!

Not anymore. Back to go4tea for me!

EDIT: This is the one off East Beaver right?

wow thats pretty messed up dude

isnt there a dude on city tv who takes stuff like this and publicizes it as well as tries to resolve it? silverman helps or something? go to them!

if you want some revenge, call the health and safety board and send the pics

thats gutter,hope you didnt bring any roaches home.lol

thats f***in gross, any reviews at the one in richmond hill? i know service is bad.

check the facebook… they actually contacted the health and safety department

I don’t want to give ideas but If people can make $15mill for a rat head in a burger @ mcdonalds or hot coffee burning their balls off @ starbucks…then hire a lawyer lol. I’m sure detaining you, embarrasing you guys to delete evidence infront of customers and not getting emergancy attention to your friends who puked brought some sorta trauma to you, which will need financial compensation for the shrinks you will need to pay in the future.

thanks Ed, I know a Health inspector she will shut that mofo down for real , if it doesn’t get shut down Pm me and i will get it shut down.

Thats an amazing story…wow.

Watch out for many asian restaurants, they
tend to overlook health and safety…

Honestly, alot of them do. Their workers are mostly underpaid, and lack any health/safety knowledge so things like this happen. (I’ve got a friend that works at a bubble tea resturant, she works pretty hard… yet shes only making $5.50/hr. funny eh?). Regardless, you shouldint be suprised, just because its not a fast food joint, doesent mean that there aint no shit going in your food.

this is the one near pmall.

the one along highway 7 is completely different. such better service. really good food. they take the one on highway 7 very seriously since its their bread and butter. i go there roughly 2-3 times a week. never had any problems nor do my other friends that go there all the time. plus they have a lot of really hot waitresses there too. :wink:

i dont care how hot the waitress is, i DO NOT WANT!!!

It’s all gangs and shit, I hate Markham.

i read this on redflagdeals last night.
fukn GROSS


someone’s gonna get a lawsuit

i need a picture more damnnnnn than this one, fobwall to the rescue PLEASE


By Fenix_Z32

hahahahahhahahhahaha thats a good one, i love that movie.

What’s wrong with cockroaches? They aren’t poisonous…