AWD dyno anywhere?

Hello all I’m fairly new to the nyspeed forum.

I tried the search and a few relevant posts came up. But they were quite dated, beginning of the year.

I just got a new car. It is a mazda speed6 and it has AWD. I’m lookng for a place that I can have the car dyno’ed to get a baseline dyno, along with the a/f ratio. Because I think the car is running QUITE rich.

Also what prices can I expect to have to pay for a baseline dyno run? I’m used to the places and the prices for dyno’ing motorcycles. But I’ve never tried to get a car dynoed. :slight_smile:


i think innovative tuning is getting one or maybe they got it already… mikes a standup guy too so drop him a pm…

inntune or innovativetuning… not sure his name on here…

WILLY wassup man…over here on nyspeed too huh :slight_smile:

So sad I sold my bike :frowning:

i know… i was interested a bit… ijust dont have the capital… i’ve been on nyspeed for a long time… this is a great forum… it moves MUCH quicker than wnysr…

i admire you for seeling it, i could never do it… :frowning:

last i heard, innovative didnt get their dyno in yet, but im not 100% certain.
the only one i know of at the moment is at Kennedys…whom ive heard great things and bad things about.

do NOT go to kennedys…

and no innovative does not have the dyno yet :frowning:

mabey I’ll get a discount if I mention they fugged up this line on their website :):

“Use until December 31, 2007 and avoid the Jan. 1 price increase”

Thanks for the link…

pretty sure kennedys has mismatched rollers…heard some guy blew up a diff there…

Yeah mismatched rollers are not good

BTW is it the black one i see downtown near franklyn all the time?

way too much advice against that place. Thanks guys I might have gone there if you didn’t tell me otherwise, and gotten crapped on…

No it’s white.

I haven’t seen another one around yet…plenty of regular 6’s but not another speed6.

How does the AWD system on the 6 work?

I’ve heard that it runs like the VW Haldex system, FWD most of the time until they start losing grip.

are you going to paint your real car like your old RC cars? :smiley:

Yes it is a similar setup. It is normally 100% fwd biased and when it detects front/rear wheel speed mismatch, it will transfer from 10-50% of the power to the rear wheels.

The system works very well as I found out during that huge storm we had, seamless transition and if you turn off the dsc/tcs it will oversteer very predictably. Donuts are fun in a snowy parking lot…

I’m pretty happy with it even though it gulps fuel when you get into the boost, which is addicting…and that’s 93 octane fuel…ouch.

Hey man I can’t believe you’re on here. Good to hear from you again…

Actually I ran the bmw m3 body more but I couldn’t afford a 1:1 of those :frowning:

I have seem 2 differnt red ones, one uber douchebag in a black one, thats the guy downtown. I was plotting tee he he. I have not seen one in white, thats pretty hot for that car. I should know a thing or two about rare paint color cause i have the supre never seen blue sti /sarcasm. Hope to see you around, thats a nice car.

Thanks Rob. I was looking at the sti too but it was too much $$ for me, and the subie guys wouldn’t budge. Plus the tires had to go they looked like motorcycle tires with no tread :slight_smile:

This car has what they call “summer tires” too but they do ok in snow.

They were giving like $4k off on the ms6 and $2k off the sticker.

Anyways I’d like to get a baseline dyno and then I’ like to get a cai and mabey an exhaust. It’s pretty quick but it’s no wrx or sti. It’s heavy.

LOL! Thats amazing what sales guys will say to sell a car even if it kills you.

What you lose in performance, you gain in creature comforts, which for a daily driver I would not underestimate.

That and you fly really low under the radar with cops…