Awesome HDR of kitchen

Thought this was sick as hell! For being a pic of a kitchen that is…


Imo that pic is perfectly done!

no seriously thats a really cool picture. every HDR i see though reminds me of leo though :lol.

the light on the plants in the sinks is the coolest part, i think


Fruity MF’s ITT

yes sir it is. i love it. when i was first introduced to HDR i saw 2 side by side pics of a corvette engine bay. one HDR and one regular. this is how the HDR looked.

wow that is a really cool pic. Adam wtf do you do all day to find this shit??

Being a woman, I can appreciate a good rendering of a kitchen when I see one.

speak only when spoken to :Idiots

i see she knows her place…

jk :hug

that is a badass pic tho, i love HDR

You watch your mouth or there will be no rum cake for you!

Being your boyfriend, I appreciate when you stay out of the kitchen unless you’re baking. Bad things ensue when you try to cook. Baaaaaad things.

so she can bake but not cook huh? not cool!

Yes. Nicole+Baking=Yum! Nicole+Cooking=Not Recommended for Human Consumption

Dude it had no flavor. It was cooked perfectly, it was just bland as hell.
I don’t cook for other people, I cook for me. Like I told Benny, I’ll throw in Ramen and eat that just so I’m not starving.
Baking I do for other people, more practice, better results.

baking is hard

cooking is easy

u are sdrawkcab

Baking is not hard, I prefer it to cooking any day.
F slaving over a hot stove and all that - baking is fun, it’s like playing with food and the outcome is fantastic.

the outcome sometimes explodes.

baking is a formula, cooking takes creativity. something 93% of women will never have

I haven’t lost a muffin yet.
Cooking may take creativity at times, but like you said baking is a formula.
Men are too stupid to understand the science behind baking.
That’s why everything is cooked on a grill. Neanderthals.