Azenis 615's....Can I rotate them?

I know nothing about tires, and rotational/directional ones.

I have two Azenis 615’s and due to bad camber, have worn down on the insides… Not super bad, but worse than the outsides.

I know the tread isn’t symmetrical… but can i just have the them rotated/remounted so the good side (on the outside) is now on the inside? I don’t really feel like dropping money on new tires, when i wont even be using them next year.


u can go front to rear with out mounting …even remouting is still gonn ahve the warn side on the inner part of the wheel

No. If you look at the sidewall it says in big bold letters “OUTSIDE” and “INSIDE”

no i know that.

im saying.

can i have someone remove the tire from the rim. and then reinstall em…and flip it so the part that is now outside…is on the inside.

Meh. I was told the only way to get by in life was to “gently break the rules.”

Looks like you don’t need a thread about where to spend that $800 now.

Fix camber, new tires.

And yeah, I’ll 2nd Joe, Azenis are designed to be run with the side that says OUTSIDE pointing out.

yo, tha ka looks sw33t all low

too bad you didnt have your TOE adjusted to keep your tires from wearing. used to run -4* of camber with no problems; however, running the car too low fucks up the toe and would kill tires in 2 months.

there are SRR adjustable compensator arms on there so it can be fixed on an alignment rack.

i didnt see any ssr arms anywhere. neither did paul.

the arms in question…are they on the fronts or rears?

That’s not a rule you wanna break, lol

talked to you via aim

It doesn’t matter, I have maxed out about 4 sets of tires by flopping them, that would have been otherwise trash by your standards. Azenis and 'R’s.

If you are trying to optimize hydro performance for full tread depth, maybe.

Well, considering he has these on his STREET car and is not using them for autocross/track days I think hydro performance should be a consideration.

Yup, there isn’t anything in the construction of the tires that prevents them from being mounted the other way. There were some older tires that were like that, but the Falkens will be fine.


asymmetrical tires are NOT designed to be switched

but feel free to do it, and then drive the car assuming it will handle the same

and then enjoy guardrail/ditch/oncoming traffic

It will handle fine, the only difference is in the tread. The only thing that will be affected is wet performance, and not by that much since 615’s don’t have much of a wet weather tread.

yea, i was referring more to the wet traction

i think this is his only car, so the first hydro experience wouldnt be too fun…

If they are already worn to the point that they need to be flipped, wet performance will already be mediocre even if you run them the right way.

He’s got a point there…

:word: I wouldn’t even worry about it untill next year bro…

kill them this season, and wait for a clearence sale somewhere.