Am i crazy? or will a b series vtec engine harness work on a d-series motor? and help and incite is appreciated
i would venture to say no, UNLESS its a v-tev d-series then MAYBE if your lucky. you would need both and compare them one layed over the other to know
yeah it is a vtec, a d16y8. i think that the only difference is the location of the v-tec solenoid, but ive been known to be wrong before.
EDIT: the one im looking at is a 2000 si harness so its a b16
its possible, if you can get somebody on here with either harness already out of a car that you could compare i would def. do that. make a post in the parts section to borrow one of each, or check hybrid, i bet they have both just laying around
Yeah - it’ll work. I used my D16 harness for my B20. Some plugs may need to be changed, and the ecu may need to be repinned, depending on your setup. Not a big deal. Go to and search there to find the info for the swap.
i think what i am gonna do is use a 91-95 si harness. Ill swap over the old alternator injectors and dizzy and plug in all the respective sensors for an obdI car. The ecu should then get the correct readings and run right.
So, the 2000 Si harness is OBDIIB, so you will have a problem with the ecu unless you run an OBDIIB D16 ecu (p28?). Doing this in an EG (92-95, OBDI) is such a bad idea if you aren’t sure what you are doing. You should sell that harness and buy the right one. What’s wrong with the origional harness?
i dont have the original harness, and to get one woulf cost around 200 bucks. i think im gonna go with the 92-95 harness.