B13 Bully has been banned

now he’s pushing it…

maybe its time for a ban again…if not a permanent ban

ok so we are going to make this a member ban then by request…

post your name if you want him banned…

1 Yoshi
2 Jdm-imports
3 AlphaQsideways

if we get 10 votes he will be perma banned… ive been asked by many… so this is it… if i get 5 i wont.

1 Yoshi
2 Jdm-imports
3 AlphaQsideways
4 G,T,R
If you cant conform by the rules then you shouldnt be posting, hes argueing just for the sake of arguing and that is rude. So I say if hes not being nice see ya. Were doing him a favour by allowing him the post his opinions here and ask car and other related questions and he shouldnt be doing this.

1 Yoshi
2 Jdm-imports
3 AlphaQsideways
4 G,T,R
5 DJPyro
6 Matt
I’ll jump on the ban wagan. Just because most of the things he posts are in the off topic and usless video things, that are realllllly ghey

I do not condone his behavior; have never and will never support his attitude on these boards, but it is probably not morally right to post this list of people that would like him banned.
More so, it should be a “Silent Vote”
There are a million reasons for this but I’m going to bed now for work tomorrow. Goodnight guys :R

…im lost on this one.
but what exactly is he doing to get a vote list to be banned?

im just really tired of hearing about it really… i dont care but its not really only up to me… so im letting you guys vote on this one…

might not be the right way but i have to keep everyone happy and if our embers dont want somone on the forums i rather one go than many others. i dont want this site to be another SON. i made it so we can have a peacefull place to chat without thos members who start and try and shit on threads.

While I don’t really have a problem with this guy. I can see that he’s wrecking the peace on TNC, I’ll opt him out too.

1 Yoshi
2 Jdm-imports
3 AlphaQsideways
4 G,T,R
5 DJPyro
6 Matt
7 XuperXero

1 Yoshi
2 Jdm-imports
3 AlphaQsideways
4 G,T,R
5 DJPyro
6 Matt
7 XuperXero
8 MikeP

I really didn’t want to do this but he just went over the top with his post in the “Turbo SUV” thread. The way he attacked Jeff was child-like. … I vote ban

ok i had it i banned him so its done and over with… lets get on with the site :slight_smile: lets post more without somone shittin on the threads. done and voer with :slight_smile:

B13 Bully’s parting words

this is what he tried to post.

How many times do you think you can ban me.

some of you ass holes think you know everything, and i never see you pussy faces at the meets.

well thanks for ****ing pissing me off, watch me shut this website down, and if i see any of you djpyro, alphaqsideways, at the meets better bring your balls with you i have had enough of your gay ass online prowess.

Rick, you can even see these ass holes are ****ing up my post and go on like internet bitches and complain to you, you banned me for a month, i don’t give a ****, i’m not comming back.

i’m gonna spread that this TNC community is such a bitch to every person outhere, because you guys are tight, but tight like ass holes judging someone even with out meeting them.

this poor guy… kid need to grow up… and this is why he is banned. And i really dont like smart asses… so he wont be back. thats a good thing…

so lets enjoy

lol thats jokes stil

goneinsixtyseconds, are you making a farewell video for B13 Bully???

Oh, please do it!

wow… k now i can see why he got banned.

haha farewell video…

that be jokes

lol i say we have a meet celebrating his ban!!! i bet it will be the biggest turn out of the year and make have it every year. hahaha

A good bye vid would be awesome, then send it to his email…lmao
?and u only gave him a 1 month ban?

wow i just finally saw the “turbo suv” thread…

and all i can say about this guy is he is “right”
how can he be wrong or proven wrong in anyway he has the internet on his side with tons and tons of pics/vids. and of course he has drivin every SUV there is so he knows everything about them… blah blah blah
he is a facken tool.
a flaming tool with a pink name now. haha

lol ive seen him, djpyro i’m pretty sure you could sneeze in his direction and blow him back to dubai without a problem lolz

i’ve personally had no beef with him but i agree he was causing more turbulence in the forums than necessary, his attitude and “constructive” criticism, more often than not, was way overboard.