B13 Bully has been banned

How about we BAN Assas1n, until his car is running!!!


best idea since i’ve been on this site

hahahahaha I agree.
For the past few days now, every day I wake up I send him a txt msg to fix his car… There’s a reason why you don’t see him or Bountywolf online much now.

LOL dude thats horrible to pick on his misery… LETS DO IT UP hahahahaha

Another thing, in the post TURBO SUV, B13 Bully posted a picture of this wonderful amazing truck that went completely underwater to get the sea-doo…If you look Close, what happend was the the Launch pad was short and the SUV went for a swim, B13Bully PhotoChopped the picture but It is Being pulled out with a blue tow rope…

what a goof…

NOW BACK TO ALEX We should Ban him until his car is running
…All In Favour for a good 2-3 month Ban


i dont think we should bann anyone unless its for a good reason, like the couple people that have been banned causing problems on the forum.
not banning them cus there car doesnt run (although since its alex, and everyone is always picking on him too, it would be funny.)

nah no one else will be banned… i need a reason to. also his ban is permanent as he violated the rules of the forums by making another username to post on the forums and cause trouble. i have a program that detects multiple users and if i deem them for spam or what he tried i will ban without question that is my right.

he was a pest and a bother to most users and really we dont need that on here… we all get along and yes we all know one another and for that reason the forums keep going.

ive worked hard to keep people like that off the forums so we can have a place to chill without the bullshit. and yes his username is pink. = banned users for flamers. its easier to see who is banned and brings alittle shame.

so lets get on with the happy postin hehe…

haha finalllyy lol

wait, isnt rabbit’s favourite color pink? he doesnt have shame lolz jkz jkz

i can make his name pink also hahah

he was gunna buy some parts off me, does anyone have his e-mail?

^^^ I hope you added on a 35% douchebag tax

douchebag tax? is it part of the 40% shit talking tax? or does it stack? damn my lack of knowledge on e-thug taxation lolz

on a different note, terry gimme your number and i’ll pass it to him next wednesday or you could track him down on takeit2thetrack.ca

how about whoever gets his car running first doesnt get banned and loser gets banned for a week. :wink:


you’ve been very helpful. but you need to bring your ass down again to finish up the last bits.

im assuming ur bringing ur s13 on the next meet, right? :R hehehe

lol i never said my S13 doesnt run lolz, it runs…my motor has yur knock in it now though, the clutch is practically gone, and the tranny needs to be replaced. gotta get you to stop touching my cars lolz

lol whee i found a free SOHC KA haha i just need to rebuild it cuz its missing parts lolz

Funny where this convo has gone

lol, dont let alex near your cars, he has the motor clap and its contagious.

lol no, he’s done with that phase of his life, now he’s the clutch killer, i dunno if anyone told ya but he burned the living hell out of his clutch on sat on his way to cscs, so bad he had to get his skyline towed home haha

That Skyline is a trailer queen. First the engine, then the half shaft popped, then the clutch burnt out. Now he wants to pick up my Z32 NA clutch.
Angelica you okay with that? You said you were going to get a new clutch anyway. Like I was saying it’s probably better to learn on a stock clutch than a racing clutch