Baby rapist in Greensburg v.UGH

GREENSBURG, Pa. – An 18-year-old Greensburg man has been charged with raping a baby who police said was left in his care.

Police said Scott Wade Smith raped his girlfriend’s 5-month-old girl Friday morning at a home in the 500 block of Highland Avenue, where several people, including the infant’s mother, were living.

Authorities said the infant suffered severe injuries and was flown to Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, where surgery was performed.

Police said the girl was crying so hard she nearly stopped breathing.

According to police, Smith made a story about the baby choking on a crayon, but paramedics didn’t find anything in her throat. So, they decided to take her to Westmoreland Hospital, which is where doctors found blood inside her diaper.

“Doctors immediately notified Greensburg police, who headed to the house with a search warrant,” said Capt. George Seranko of the Greensburg Police Department.

There, police said they found a blood-soaked towel in a box in Smith’s bedroom, along with four red-stained baby wipes.

The mother was in class at her high school when the alleged attack occurred, police said.

Smith was charged with five felonies, including rape of a child, causing seriously bodily injury, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse and endangering the welfare of children. He is being held at the Westmoreland County Prison on $1 million bail.

Police said rape of a child with serious bodily injury under the age of 13 is punishable by life in prison, and they are asking the district attorney to push for that sentence.

A preliminary hearing is scheduled for Thursday. It’s unknown whether Smith has a lawyer yet.

i can barely swallow after reading that…

life? 1 mil BAIL?

um negative. death.

Let me fix the link for you.


Fucking terrible, That guy won’t last long in jail when he goes.

My wife was telling me about this story. That is absolutely disgusting.

throw some batteries in a sock and beat the shit out of him in prison

wow thats TERRIBLE…i agree they should push for the DEATH sentence for thats bull shit

holy shit

thats just sick. some people just dont deserve to live

X2 everyday for the rest of his life

if he gets life…work will get out of what he did & he will def. pay for it daily if he’d not killed in prison. sometimes people like that have to be in solitary for their own safety from other prisoners.

my wife’s sisters b-friend is a prison guard in NJ so i hear tons of stories. he’ll get his in due time.

Karma’s a bitch…

and so is he, this is disturbingly sick. :reloading:

don’t put him to death, let bubba take care of it. yeah, he’ll get his assraping.

I grew up with 2 of the guards down at county…

I can guarantee he’ll be taken care of!

wow taht is awful
hope he rots in hell

Yeah, fuck letting the state kill him, I’d much rather all the boys down at lockup find out what he did, there will be plenty of vigilante justice in there for him.

that is fucked up

is it just me or does the pic look alot like darkstar

that shit makes me fucking sick. he should be killed.

there was another case like this about a year ago but the baby actually died.

that’s really fucked up. as most of you have already said…throw him in jail for the rest of his life and let those guys take care of his punishment.

Tyrell’s going to have a field day with this one.

unreal… what the fuck goes through your mind that you would ever do something that disgusting. Poor girl

x2…but I don’t think you have to hope!!

Disgusting, sorry excuse for a human being. What got me is when they said the baby was crying so hard she almost stopped breathing :frowning: