Yep, still don’t want children.
+1 Terrible ROI
lol. you have no idea how much i wanted that thing gone.
i built the box…lol
Some of you must have been boring in high school
There’s a big difference between having fun and getting in trouble and this, lol.
Lol im glad someone said this.
^ +1.
Scorpions. Lots of Scorpions.
I guess my big question is why in the hell were they using condoms? STUPID.
Because we didn’t set random people’s cars on fire at house parties?
Some ruts in the yard, underage drinking and teen sex is one thing (we were at least courteous enough not to leave used rubbers all over) … property damage exceeding $10k crosses way over the line of “fun kid stuff”.
lol yeah, I’ve never heard of shit getting this crazy, and I didn’t exactly roll with the brady bunch kids.
Of the top of my head…
One of families of a kid I went to high school with owned Redy Care which is like an immediate care he threw a huge party one night next day at school kids were coming in with scrubs and all kinds of shit…Someone even stole a O2 or Nitrous tank I forget which and the school made an announcement about whoever has it return it no questions asked etc.
Another party during high school was in Spaulding lake and the house got completely destroyed(people trying to hang from chandeliers and shit)
People do stupid shit in high school life goes on…Most of the people involved in those parties and other crazy crap that went on high school are doing very well in life now.
The parent makes that same point as well and it’s true.
…“the rampant, reckless partying and danger that unfolded in her home exceeded standard teenage rebellion”, she said. “To the level of violence that they’re taking it, that’s beyond kids being kids,” she said.
It seems as if society has thrown consequences right out the window, especially when it comes to kids and behavior.
17yr old sophomore… so shes obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Ha… good point.
Hell, I was in college for like a month before I turned 18.
me too :tup:
Wasn’t quite a month for me, but close enough…