Back Pains?? Eat more blue M&M's

Whos the person that thinks “Oh Hey!!! Lets inject blue dye into rats to cure spinal injuries” Im sure there has to be some medical background research and its just a coencidence that its is the blue dye used in M&M’s. Still interesting though…

My cousin worked on this project. Its pretty awesome stuff to have local (Well for me im in ROC)

I saw this earlier. pretty crazy.

Food colorings come from plants and insects. Knowing that, this experiment isn’t that strange.

Ah ok. I was gonna say, who the hell decided…“Hmmmm maybe blue M&M’s can help this!”

stocking up and gatorade and blue m&ms i guess god bless science!

What do you take for the future diabetes?

So maybe the greens really do cause cancer then… DUN DUN DUN!

marb reds

I’ll start crushin and snorting blue MnMs

“The only side effect: the mice turned temporarily blue.”

Thats gunna be a problem