back road racing in TO.....

I have seen shit come out of my ass faster than that.

wow SON has so much hate lately… Why can’t we all just give some advice instead of bashing the poor fellow on what he did wrong. We all started as beginners one point in our lives so stop hating… It’s christmas after all

Hah i love how people will say this or that road in the GTA is boring compared to this or that road 600km away :wink:

There are a lot of better roads other places, but they aren’t exactly ‘accessible’.

If you want REAL roads go to Europe. Unfortunately you can’t just hop in your car and drive 20 minutes to them.

it does trust me, i saw the video,

side note: benson how much did u have to pay that
asian boy to do that on his chest?

Here is an idea, Lets not speed on local roads anywhere near mass populations.

and I don’t hate, I just can never give up good poo talk

We make the trip every summer, and meet up with NEO folk to do the run…

And it doesn’t require hopping on a plane or crossing the boarder…

So what? It’s like guys who board, they go to where the good spots are and run it…

This year we’re going south to light a road on fire in the States…

Probably Gatineau too…

go to tails of the dragon. best place ever, that doesn’t require you to hop on a plane or anything crazy like that.

Thats where we’re headed… with a trailer and a support cube van…

i NEVER sucked that bad.

its like… he saw a whole bunch of different driving styles in videos… didnt understand them… and then tried to copy them in his own way all the while sucking harder than vtec intakes at 8400 rpm.


You give beginners pointers and advice and they spit in your face. The youth of today think “they know everything.”


Plus it’s not so much what he did… but how he called it…

p.s. learn to heel-toe kthxbye

We’re getting too old for these hoodlums…

As for the Dragon’s Tail … save your time and frustration

It’s a state park.

Which means a few things … State Troopers, Holiday traffic (ooh, look at that kids! Let’s stop the RV in the middle of the road) and no 24-hour access.

200sx club made a few attempts before, each time other than a very pretty, very slow drive stuck behind a Beretta doing 20 mph with nowhere to pass, complete wastes of time.

Next attempt was thwarted by a pack of Harley-riding accountants.

Third attempt caught the attention of SC’s finest.

One car actually saw boost leaving the park though.

There’s tons of great roads in Ontario, just people that know about them tend to not pass the information along.

There used to be this great mountain pass … then everyone started going there. People died (got to see emergency crews scraping a motorcycle off the guard rail) and people from the area started taking plates.

Gatineau park is fun, but speaking as someone who has been busted there before (I grew up in the area). The Saguenay is probably the best road trip you can take. Although altitude changes can play havoc.

If you’re going to make a lame-ass video of lame-ass driving, you should at least have the decency to crash or do something else dumb to amuse us.

sorry, but are you being sarcastic or are you for real?

if your not being sarcastic, that would be awesome to do.
there are 318 curves in a stretch of 11miles. lots of people meet up there and do some runs and etc.

give us an update when you do go.

Never been booked at Gatineau and we’ve been there more then a few times… Running it for 4 and 5 hours straight with times to cool off…

The Miata club does tail of the Dragon every year, and they’ve never been hasseled…

That’s a very poor area, and the Tail of the Dragon is the only thing that bring them tourism. So they like the arrive and drive visits from people out of country or state…


Nope, 9 cars, 1 Blazer Pulling a trailer, and a Cube Van…

soo kinda off topic what type of lights do u have they look bright…or is it your camera?

Benson. You need to stop talking shit.

the youth of whatever day think they know everything…

thats the road behind the zoo for sure, old finch right??? and why the hell did u fly over that bridge liek that? i dont think its, what they call, ‘cool’…