Bacon Salt?!?!

Why is this the first time I am hearing of this?

Thats a must have

They had a entire kit of bacon salt a cpl weeks back on I also love their other product Baconnaise

bacon salt is sold at the christmas tree store on the blvd, its in the back corner

holy stroke fatman

0 calorie, 0 fat.

stroke is generally caused by high blood pressure, which is caused by sodium. Now a heart attack from blockage would be caused by fats ect.

It was clearly overlooked in that thread and deserving of its own.

True. I wonder if anyone actually tried it…

I wanna try it on my cereal, and pancakes, and pizza, and hot dogs and maybe on some ice cream…

I put it on every turkey sammich to make it an instant club.

lol @ “everything should taste like bacon”

i want some

lol holy huge pic! sorry that was from my blackberry.

I want some. Pure genius.

o mannn