Bad Feedback for "Tim" regarding an amp i purchased

I asked you if you wanted me to leave it hooked up, you said i didn’t. So I unhooked everything. It was working that day when I disconnected it. Once it was in your hands suddenly it didn’t work. Not my problem. As you can see I’m not one to sell broken things to people.

I attached a screen shot of the text. I’m sorry your number is in it I couldn’t edit it if someone could do that for me.

hahahah to the screenshot

to the OP- the power lights on amps are usually a poor indicator if it is “working” or not due to the fact that the 12v remote turn-on lead will turn the power light on…just saying

I am available on and off this week. PM me and we can set something up. I will do two things;

  1. Look at the car’s setup and make sure everything is working/hooked up properly; Correct wire gauge, proper ground, measure outputs, etc…

  2. If the car is good (not saying it isn’t but I would still check) then I’ll break open the AMP and see if somethings wrong.

I would need maybe an hour, or two to be safe, of your time.

I don’t think this is the question…

I know if I got this as a response I would not be happy either. I really don’t care about the “It’s used…you get what you pay for. It was $100…get over it.”

I don’t like that ‘code of ethics’ answer. For all intensive purposes this is a community and it should be treated as such. Maybe you shouldn’t sell anything on here if you are not going to stand by the sale. The guy bought a “working” piece of equipment. You said so. So why not help the guy figure it out if he did do something wrong. Where is the harm?

I don’t use this word often but, you’re being a “dick” when you say: Not my problem…no?’

To be fair, I don’t think you are scamming or trying to screw anyone. I just think the brushing of the hands and walking away is a “dick” move.

EDIT: Sounds nicer…

I’m not going to take a loss on something because he didn’t hook it up correctly. I don’t offer a 90 day warranty. I sold him something I offered to leave it hooked up so he could hear it. He told me it wasn’t necessary and texted me a week later saying it didn’t work. I obviously asked him a few questions about maybe him hooking it up incorrectly and he said it was done right. Maybe if he didn’t lowball me twice and gave me what I originally wanted I would help him out but he didn’t.

If I’m a bad guy for saying that then so be it. This is the first “negative feedback” I have ever gotten from selling anything on here.

Don’t be mad at this guy for lowballing you. You took his offer and sold it to him. Don’t make him to be the bad guy. You had a choice to deny or accept his offer and you made that choice. How can you say “Maybe if he didn’t lowball me twice and gave me what I originally wanted I would help him out but he didn’t.”

That’s just an asshole statement and going out of your way to be a dick to this guy.

It is what it is. He pissed me off. I’m not going out of my way to fix something he fucked up.

I think we are beginning to see why he brought this to the attention of the forum…

Whoa whoa whoa, did you see the screenshot everyone? This abolsutely strengthens Tims case.

I’d be super fucking pissed if I sold something to a memeber, offered to show it to them working, got lowballed, and then bashed on here a week later because it didnt work. Sounds like Tim did everything he could, including trying to make the sale as easy as possible.

At this point, i’d be bashing anyone who comes on here and trys to tarnish my rep.

Ok. ill admit that it was my fault i didnt tell you to leave it hooked up. ok fine. what i do have a problem with is that you did nothing to rectify the situation. never answered a text after the first day or offered anything.

and don’t even go there saying i didnt give you what you originally wanted. you were the person who lowered your price from $250 down to $160, solid proof in your for sale thread. and i offered you $150 and you agreed, which ended up being $147 because i spent the other 3 dollars on something. ill give you the 3 extra bucks if you want. but saying that i didnt give you your original asking price is bullshit. YOU are the one that lowered the price so toss that right out the window on having any affect on this whatsoever.

maybe it did work. and does freak stuff happen sure. but in a matter of 15 minutes of unhooking your amp and hooking up my sisters, the sub worked fine. without changing anything other than connecting the wires from one amp to the other.

so you could be a gentlemen about it and offer something or be a dick and play the its not my problem card.

All I 'm saying is in my business, I don’t make a sale with someone and then run around and complain that I got lowballed. It would make me look like an idiot for making the sale. It’s just not a legitimate statement to make…

Well…that escalated quickly.

OP: what’s the model number of the amp/sub? Did you meter the power/ground on the amp that wasn’t working? What were the levels on the non-working amp set at? There’s way too many baseless accusations being tossed around this thread with little actual information.

Let’s just cut the bullshit.

Specifically…WHAT DO YOU WANT?

Be serious, what do you honestly want? Do you want a refund? Do you want Tim to dance around naked while you jerk off?

Or are you just here to bitch that you made a mistake.

I deal with shit like this all day. You’re not entitled to anything, just have someone who knows what they’re doing (obviously YOU don’t) install it and move on.

Alpine M650 mono-channel amplifier
i did not meter the amp. but hooking up another amp in the same car, same wires solves that. and i had the levels all the way down to start and brought them up to where they were previously set, searching to where they might work but got nothing

My offer still stands.

And the model of the sub/subs?

I previously texted him $50 and ill forget about. eat the loss and move on. and i know my shit, hooked dozens of systems up before. and i dont know if it did work or not.

All im here to say is that, Tim is being a dick about the situation and thats all i was pointing out and was hoping for some reimbursement

---------- Post added at 01:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:36 PM ----------

12" Alpine type R
not sure what model #

Sub - 2 Ohm DVC (likely a 1221D)

It’s a great pair. I had this same setup and it hit hard. Bring it over and I’ll take a look.

I’m out…

Who wants to crush beers at Naabs and smash the amp with a BFH? I’ll bring some cookies.

logical thinker right here lol