Bad Feedback for "Tim" regarding an amp i purchased

not sure where i could post this other than giving negative feedback which IMO doesn’t do squat. so anyway bought this sub and amp from Tim here on the forum.

Josh, move this elsewhere if you want

see this thread:

hooked it up a week later in the Cadillac. amp turned on but no sound. double checked all my wiring and that was all set. still didn’t work
so I pulled the amp out of my sister’s car and hooked it up. just swapped power, ground, remote and RCA’s. Sub worked instantly with her amp.

so sent him numerous text messages. first response from him said

Tim- “everything worked fine when i took it out, are you sure you hooked everything up right”

Tim- “Did you blow the fuse or something”

Me- “nope, it powers on and everything just doesnt do anything other than light up the blue light”

Tim- “that doesn’t make any sense all you needed to hook up were the RCA’s ground power and remote. if the amp turns on it should be working.”

Tim- “might need to mess with your headunit settings”

Tim- “it could be in protect mode if you touched metal on metal. check the fuses”

i said it doesn’t work in my car nor my sisters and Ive hooked up plenty of systems before so i know what im doing and both fuses were good

he also said “try turning the volume up and see if it turns on”

so i said what would you like to do to resolve the problem.
im not going to eat the cost of just buying this.
said i would post it on here
and even offered to give me back 50 bucks and ill forget about the whole ordeal.

did not get one message back from the guy.

now granted its $100 but still its the matter of the fact that he sold me something that i have no proof that it ever worked in the first place.

and the fact that he wont answer texts or calls just pisses me off even more like he knows he fucked me over.

so just posting this on here to show everyone what my experience with this guy was and hope no one else experiences this or buys anything with the same outcome.

looking forward to his response

Cliffs: bought a sub and amp combo from Tim. Sub works, amp does not work.
contacted him numerous times to resolve everything with no response

I have to say this. You said it yourself, you bought something that you didn’t check to see if it worked. Buyer beware.

Now that being said, Tim should offer to to something for you. If he blows it off, you can’t say he knew or didn’t know, but this is between you two.

tims a good guy ive bought an amp off him in the past worked great. I agree you should always bring a car that is pre-wired to test stereo equipment when buying used. past that it could have died when you where hooking it up. something could have grounded.

Tim is a good guy. If it helps solve this situation.ill give you a Jensen amp that I have. Works great. It’s currently working in my truck. I have a bunch of other amps laying around.

yeah i guess i couldve been shown that it worked, but i had no proof that it ever did. so some kind of compensation from the ordeal would pout me at ease. and ive bought plenty of car audio stuff used from here before and never had a problem. if i bought it on craigslist then yeah i wouldnt trust the person necessarily but here i never though twice about it. just looking to make something back from the whole thing

Sellers arent going to refund money for electronics. If i sell a stranger something that i know for a fact worked when i sold it, id definitely assume it was user error. Ive seen some scary car audio installs before.

I can vouch for Tim, he’s not one to fuck people over.

Someone should let him know about this thread, or he should atleast contact the buyer.

+1 I’m sure he didn’t do that knowing it wasn’t gonna work.

I contacted Tim he says everything came out of his car in working condition.

that’s what he said to me to. but i could never get it to work. not trying to be a huge asshole about this but it never worked for me and all the power was disconnected in my car during install so i don’t see how it could’ve grounded out.
but just wanted to bring it here to get some kind of money back from the deal.
maybe it did work when he gave it to me, but Ive personally never seen it work. so i guess in a way shame on me for not seeing it working from him.
didn’t seem like a bad guy and you guys say he isn’t, but just looking to make something back on this

Gotta agree with this. Probably should have verified it was working before buying it. As a seller I’d have a tough time taking a return on a piece of electronics I knew was working when I took it out just because of how many ways the buyer could have caused the issue while installing it.

If you want me to look at the Amp for you to see what’s wrong I can.

Bring over the car with the Amp and Sub and I can debug it…if you want. No charge.


Luke rules…

Tim’s always been a good guy in my book…for many, many years…

Audio systems are for high school kids…

That’s all I got.

if i have some free time after work i could do that. that would be great. and i would give you somethin for trying at the very least.

when are you available?

yeah, this isn’t ebay. If there is no implied warranty, then he owes you nothing other than knowing that it worked when he gave it to you. For your sake and his you two should have tested it before the money was exchanged.

I can vouch for Tim as well. Met him a few times, stand up dude.

:tup: to Luke for most likely completely resolving this issue and fixing the amp. It could have been damaged in transit, or by the new owners install, or when Tim took it out. Sucks, but nothing here sounds like he meant to fuck you over.

Oh man, this statement… You have no idea.