Bad Feedback for "Tim" regarding an amp i purchased

i texted him this morning

---------- Post added at 09:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:07 AM ----------

ill admit i was wrong. dont know why it wouldnt work before or what caused the issue but all is well

Good thing you gave him the benefit of the doubt before throwing him under the bus and posting this.

its been like 3 weeks since the original install and multiple attempts to get it working. cant do anything about it now. shit happens

So you suck at electronics and blame the person you got it from :lol:

^ I think you are being LZ and are not serious…can’t tell even with the emoticon.

Right. You apologized. What more do people want?

Has there been one other thread were someone OPENLY says “I was wrong”…Oh, and I apologized to the guy I “bashed”? I think this is a wash. But, it unfortuneately ruined a NYSpeed/Local connection. Some people hold grudges for being pissed off. I never understood that.

Because instead of being like “hey guys I got an amp its not working after I installed it and the previous owner had it working fine”

It was “bad feedback regarding amp I got from XXX”

Before tossing people under the boss proper troubleshooting should have been done its not like the original seller is from EA and scammed half the forum lol

This is probably the best approach. More of a tech thread or what could have happened.

Agreed. Tim got beat up on this, but I appreciate the OP apologizing. Sounds like a weird situation.

The screen shot of the text message exchange made me lol.

why dont we just go ahead and delete the thread then to make everyone happy?

Thread closed.

Both good dudes. Beer for all :tup: