Bad fucking luck

It’s been quite the shitty few days… It all started on the weekend. The screen on my laptop died so I couldn’t do any work from home, which I usually do on the weekend. Plus I spent several hours trying to fix the electronics of my cars heating system, which just likes to shut off some days when its really damn cold.

So Monday I was a bit behind already. So I go to get in the shower on Monday morning and guess what? No hot water. I had no idea what was wrong with the tank but after consulting with numerous people I find out its the thermalcouple. So Monday night, when I should be working, I changed that so now I am now severly behind at work.

So I am frantically trying to catch up on Tuesday.I put in a few extra hours and get caught up. Exhausted I want to go home. Go out to start the car. Battery doesn’t have enough juice to turn it over. Finally a nice guy comes and boosts me so I can get home and have a nice relaxing night.

I get home and I turn on the tap… guess what? No water at all! I call Epcor, no disruptions in the area, so it must be a frozen pipe in my house. We narrow it down to the pipe that runs along the outside wall in my bathroom. Since its in the bathroom, of course the pipe is covered up by the wall. So we cut/smashed out the wall to get to the pipe and with the help of a hair dryer got it thawed out. But not without making a huge mess first.

So I go out to my car this morning, and I realized that last night, when I went to retrieve some tools from my car, the door didnt close properly. So my battery died. So as I type this I am waiting for the mother in law to come give me a boost. I’ll only be an hour or so late for work, where I am supposed to be training our new guy.

Cliff Notes: Stay the hell away from me because my bad luck is likely contagious.


The heater in my new CRX didnt work for the past week. Finally got it working yesterday. I filled the heater core with CLR and let it sit for 2 hours, haha. Missed 2 days of work, week in total of troubleshooting. It was fuckin cold.

wow!!! srry to hear all the bs.i guess i better check my battery and make sure its topped up so i dont have the same prob. hopefully it only gets better for u from now on.
atleast u didnt get in an accident! lol.

Ouch! :alright: I’m sure things will look up… Eventually.

thats odd, this weekend i had battery problems, tow truck problems, etc as well, so did my buddy, his car died too. also a few friends got into a snowmobile accident. bad weekend for everyone?

Yeah I think there is a direct corelation between this terrible weather and all the shit that is breaking. It accounted for most of my problems.

But my car is started and running now! Just have to fix the block heater…

Gotta love the terrible weather, started my truck this morning (it wasn’t plugged in) and guess what? No oil pressure for a couple minutes WOOT!

well one of my heater core hose cracked and splite two months ago and from the little driving i did that day, caused my car to overheat every 2-5 days for the past 2 months. Working at nissan dealership they would figure out the problem right away but nope. After numerous attemps to “remove a air bubble” and replaced the thermostat nothing. Well turns out right now for sure my headgasket is gone with some other gaskets and my head has a good chance of being warped. ‘End Rant’


Shitty luck

Mine is i discovered the tercel has rod knock when starting in -30 (only for about 5 minutes tho then it goes away)

The blower motor crapped out and had to disasembly half the dash to get at it.

I smashed my thumb today and when i got home someone stole the extention cord i was using to plug my car in at night.

But yours is worse

Sounds like the right time to swap.

wtf HAHA thats really funny(ppl will steal anything i guess). i was thinking that today as i walk through the parking lots at nait, if i jacked everyones cords. id have like 300 atleast HAHA.

Sounds like the right time to swap.[/quote]

That’s exactly what I said.

Shitty luck Dave. Should have gone round the corner to Kal Tire. I’d have given you a boost as I do work there, but I’m quitting tommorow because of various job drama things.

Sounds like you have pick up Joels luck. :!:

Sounds like my year of bad luck, looking forward to next year. Even though you had some shitty days just remember there are people alot worse off than you.


wtf HAHA thats really funny(ppl will steal anything i guess). i was thinking that today as i walk through the parking lots at nait, if i jacked everyones cords. id have like 300 atleast HAHA.[/quote]

We used to snag one every once in a while to use as a tow rope for our GT snow racers behind my friends truck. That was almost 10 years ago and I still kind of feel bad about it :yawinkle: As far as my bad luck for the weekend (which wasn’t that bad) I got sick and then chipped some paint trying to move my car from the garage to the front of the house. Seeing your car outside in -25 weather when you have a heated garage really sucks. I also found out that bald summer tires have zero grip on ice :yawinkle:

wow expensice tow rope… and bald tires on ice, wow id never thought that they couldnt grip. lol

someone jacked my extension cord from my driveway a few years ago. jack ass. :lol:

lol, thats like stealing from the doller store haha too funny. id be mad, and prob laugh if someone took mine.

To make you feel better, my bad luck in Turkmenistan:

  1. Pipeline rupture right next to the road we were walking on
    In the crater…that’s me in the hat
  2. Concussion from Head vs 12" Pipe
  3. Car accident - truck turns in front of us, we swerve around, tag it and the front passenger door flings open, I am hanging on trying not to be dumped on the road!

I was real happy to leave…

tell me aboutit… found out i my throttle body is pooched so i lose idle when i drive… then i hit a pothole which knocks my exhaust off the hangers resulting in me having to rip off the whole thing and toss it on the side of the road and and then my battery dies so i go to the store and buy booster cables… boost my car but still no luck so i had to tow it downtown. lolll