Bad Wreck in Amherst, Campbell Blvd

Semi and 4 cars.

Video link on the channel 4 site.

Driver says he “lost his steering”. The cop sounded pretty sceptical.

my secretary’s niece was the woman killed. She was 36 years old and had just had a baby. I feel so bad for her family.

damn :frowning:

this really sucks.

:frowning: that’s really terrible. It wasn’t even that bad out until around noon today.

Whole lotta bad new recently. Sorry for the family.

t down :tdown:


All this bad news, it’s so depressing

I guess there are lots of accidents right now. The freezing rain is a real bitch.

That really sucks about that woman.

I don’t see how losing his steering doesn’t sound reasonable… its fucking icy… when your tires are on ice, you lose steering.

That sucks, but truckers are some of the best drivers on the road.

I dont suppose You read the article where it said that this took place at 7am… did You?

Yeah. He fucked up. Maybe fell asleep? I seriously doubt his “Steering went out”. Those trucks are serviced constantly.

Do you know when the last time it wasn’t below freezing?

And no I didn’t read the article, it was minimized and I forgot to. :gtfo:

yeah…that stinks. It really doesn’t matter to everyone else HOW she died. Just be careful out there.

I think Campbell is still closed on that stretch from this too.


:frowning: R.I.P

At 7:15 the roads in that area were perfectly clear (my wife drives that way to work) so unless they cleared in the 15 minutes since she came through I don’t think road conditions had anything to do with it.

Now this is one where I really do feel bad for the person. Minding your own business, more than likely not speeding, and bam a semi plows your car into a tree. No ass clowning, probably just trying to get to work.

yea turned out the lady killed is a state troopers wife

oh man :frowning:

fuck that noise… wtf is wrong with drivers these days… this isnt like maryland or somethign that never sees ice/snow

there was PLENTY of warning on the news about this weather…

if you don’t feel like properly equipping your car for this weather, or learning how to drive correctly, you should be either a) locked up to prevent further harm to the rest of us, or b) shot on site for hurting others and wasting our time with your wrecks because youre a fuckhead…

why in gods name is stupidity not yet illegal…