badass celica

So “your car” is a 1st Gen Neon? So when you are an old man and you are telling your grandkids about the cool car you had…it is going to be a fuckin Neon. If so, take all my childish remarks as a nice guy trying to help you out. At the end of the day a 1st gen Neon is a pile of shit and will never be cool, it will always be a gay ass Neon. As for me riding your nuts…dude you put money into a Neon that has stripes and a gay ass exhaust and you talk shit on people for having a joke of a car…all I can do is laugh. If you keep puting money into your car you might end up being like this doughbag witht hte Celica…and people will be posting pics of your gay ass car to make fun of.