13.1 @117mph…
guy put alot of work into this, 117mph is high enough for high 11 sec runs, only if he could get traction
13.1 @117mph…
guy put alot of work into this, 117mph is high enough for high 11 sec runs, only if he could get traction
when will this kid realize neons are poo
keep your “opinion” to yourself then
:bigok: …my man takes neon trash talking to heart…sorry bro
so wheres it at?
well maybe the next time u post a smart ass response in someones elses thread make sure u remember what u just said. 13.1 damn that really moving i wish my firehawk and GTP would run that good :kekegay:
not impressive when locket’s shit runs 10.0’s w/ full power interior and an auto.
9’s now
Nice work. Quite the sleeper also.
lol yeah I know 13s are just so fast lol
That’s lame, just like that civic that was on pinks. If you’re going to build a car with power, you need to have some sort of traction.
I guess if you like highway roll-on cripple fights like the supra guys…
Geez tough crowd.
A 13.1 isn’t an isanely fast car, but he could easily keep up with and possibly beat most EVO’s and Sti’s in the 1/4. I know based on the work that’s done to the car, some of u would expect it to be faster than what it is, but cut the guy a break…such harsh critics on this board. And to compare this Neon to the Civic from PINKS! is just plain rediculous
Considering it is a neon you gotta expect harsh critics…I always bust slow shelbies balls for it. He becomes a pissed whiteman, but it is for his own good. He needs to sell his turdmobile and get something that is respectable to begin with
his drag radials are his daily tires. thats the first time he ever had the car on the track half tuned. im supprised you guys dont know you will never reach your fastest time the first time out with the car. its still pretty impressive regardless 117 is high 11 traps.
It wouldn’t be interesting to discuss if i just sat here and circle jerked with you guys.
Why’s that? Too much HP and an underdeveloped chassis on street tires. I fail to see where they aren’t similar in execution.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s certainly an awesome engine build.
Falkens aren’t drag radials.
At some point, he’ll probably do what he can to manage his traction issues. Easiest thing for him to do would be to turn the boost down. With the car’s modest weight, moderate boost should be ok. This guy seems knowledgable enough. I will admit i’m a bit biased b/c it’s a Neon, but in the land of SR20 & B16, B18, & H22 swaps it’s nice to see someone do something different…especially with an American car
if he had traction he woudlnt’ trap at 117, it’d be more like a mid 12s car with traction
Come to think of it, i am the only fwd that i know of that broke into the 11’s on DR’s under 120mph…
Hi my name is dominick and thats my car. Sorry if you dont like it and thanks if you do. Here is another video and a link to the build.