Bahhh 2008 Nissan Sentra SE-R

I’m not liking the new SE-R… They really need a 2door Versa or SE-R

:vom: loooks like a toyota tercel

looks like a bloated echo :anal i don’t like how the head lights look. . .it looks like they’re copying ford’s (fusion) attempt to copy the cadillac lights . . .

Personally I don’t like the black. why would the car need a bra on the back anyway :roll: :lol:

I totally agree with it looking like a Toyota. Maybe a prius without the rear wheel covers?

The prius is a hatch… but the lines are close thats for sure.

that thing is UGLY! what a monstrosity

wow looks like honda is doing some design for Nissan… :roll: boo wtf they keep making the se-r worse looking!

Looks better than the current gen sentra SE-R.

But is still looks like ass.

well look what they did to the skyline … and then ppl ask me why i dont like new cars … fuck look at that thing is hidius no thanks ill keep my 240 :finga:

jesus, that thing is terrible looking.

looks like a cadillac cts but shorter

Looks like they washed an Alitima with water that was too hot and shrunk the hell out of it.


HAHAHA thats cuz they don’t want to show the car yet. So they cover up the front and back so that when they take it for test drives people dont know entirely what the car looks like. Whoever took this pic is a car spy!!!

No no. Its for when you are on two-lane highways and semis are whipping by you in the opposite direction. Saves your bumper from rock chips.

HAHAHA allright and its also on the rear so when someone throws shit at the back of your car??? its so some of the main body lines of the car are kept hidden… and other accents like lights… but from what i see that thing is fucken ugly you sure its actually a sentra??

HAHAHA thats cuz they don’t want to show the car yet. So they cover up the front and back so that when they take it for test drives people dont know entirely what the car looks like. Whoever took this pic is a car spy!!![/quote]

I know, I was just making a smart ass comment.