2008 Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V



Engine swap fo sho.

Screw the swap… Just swap the cranks and rods so you can get a high red line. I would like to see this intake also…

I’m glad nobody here has one yet cause, fuck me that looks stupid.

What are those wheels? 5.5" wide? LOL

i would buy one for school,maybe a versa cuz its cheaper…i dont mind the looks of that spec but yellow is :vom: in my opinion


Nissan killed the Spec-V harder than,

Mitsubishi killed DSM’s…

:? :axe:

mmm 2G Talons… turned into FF/NA pieces of FF2 rice…

aaand now THIS?!..



Well its… Different…

I’m sure someone out there likes it, Just won’t find love from me. I hate to say it, but the previous body style is better than this new “wedged” design. I’m sure hope the motor will stand up better than the last one, and hopefully wont end up trying to kill itself.

And I have to agree with Louis, those tires are damn skinny. To top that, the car look tall and narrow from the front. Thats not very well… Nissan…

Different… Very… Different…

i kind of like it, maxima headlights, looks kinda cool

I’ll reserve judgement until I see one in the flesh… but not that excited from the pics or specs so far. I would have liked to see them push a little harder either in styling (less wheel gap, little more aggressive exterior) or in performance (forced induction, or ~220 NA).

But the increased redline sounds very nice and I like the ass. Better than the standard spec “bubble butt” IMO. I’ll have to take a test drive when its available.

The interior will be the best part of this car. I took a look in a Sentra yesterday and was blown away by the updates they’ve done to it.

As far as this car goes…well, I think you guys have mostly said all that needs to be said, although I DO like the color. :smiley:

Nissan Prius FTL.



You do have a point…

yah the rear is not bad. i ike the style of the rims, but not wide enough. everything else just makes the car look slow and bulky.

same engine FTL. hopefully with the few upgrades they did it will be a bit more stable and like someone said “not kill itself”

I agree it needs an engine swap. While you are at it, swap the body too.

^^ in other words, its not worth buying.

i dont understand why a neon can come stock w/ a turbo but nissan can slap a little turbo in the spec v. shit even the ford probe gt has a turbo that comes w/ the gt stock.

btw isnt that a 2007? not 2008 sentra

If you want a Turbo kit for your car buy one, don’t bitch about what Nissan is or isn’t doing. Dodge DID make a Turbo Neon, that is now gone, for the price that you would pay for a Brand New SRT, you could buy a Brand new Spec V, put a Turbo kit on it and have LOADS more power, for around the very same price.

I for one like the New Spec V, you guys need to think outside the box on this, you may not “like” the new spec v but seriously, it looks like a mini Altima SE-R, it matches the rest of the Nissan Line up very nicely, but now for the cars the you do own and love (or else you wouldn’t own it) you now have a QR25DE engine that is “capable” of 200hp 18lb-ft of torque, all I’m interested in is seeing wat TRUE dyno numbers are on this car stock, cause the 06/07 Civic is pretty damn close to being a true 197hp.

I would definately want one of these Spec V’s if I were wanting to buy another car, but it’s time for me to become a Truck Driver

I’m just waiting for the Altima Coupe… I dont know why but I just love the lines and thats its a 2 door… Damn Altima Gene.

Ok I went to Sherwood Nissan today and I almost threw up when I saw the interior… This was a major disappoint with this version of the Sentra… Would I still by one?? Who knows.