bought a new car. MANY pix inside

so after being miserable without a vehicle for over a month i finally bought a car. 2006 SE-R Spec V, 19,600 miles. QR25DE with 6M. Limited slip, fogs, etc. it’s to be my DD for the next 3-4 years. picked it up last night from Autoplace, they were reasonably helpful and courteous. not earth-shatteringly amazing over there, but they didn’t try to screw me (like West Herr Nissan), and were honest with me. i’ve had it a little over 24 hours and already have 200 more miles on it than when i picked it up.

enough words, check out the pics. sorry for the shit quality, it was the best i could do with what i had. lemme know what you think!

that last one’s my favorite. funny how the best place to take pictures is where i work.


nice norb, You definetly deserve it! huge improvement from the bird. any plans?

Nice car! :tup:

Did you really take a picture stopped on the road parked next to garbage some canadian tossed out the window?
hahahahaha thats awesome.
Wow tho, Thats a really clean car, looks good I like the cluster :smiley:

Nice! when are you ganna bring it over for the real inspection

nice pick up!

:tup:nice upgrade man super clean car so when to the modds begin lol.

just drive the piss out of it til the warranty is over, which will be this christmas. i’m just gonna amass some bolt-ons til then. intake and headers are a guarantee, possible exhaust depending on gains. haven’t done that much research yet but it’s on the way.

for now, just debadge the gay sentra shit and clean the old wax off with a toothbrush. and look pimp.

thanks, thanks, and thanks again. i love it already, glad you guys do too. from what i’ve heard there’s a slight bad name to SE-R drivers, i’ll do my best to erase that stereotype, if it even exists.

yeah i was just aimlessly driving around way past the skyway, over by lackawanna. found some docks and shit that i thought would be a reasonable background. my photography skills leave a lot to be desired, but who cares. yeah canadians suck lol, if you look close i actually stopped on a plastic bottle.

the cluster is one of my favorites too. my old car had the tach on the right and speedo on the left, and that’s how it should be. nissan design ftw.

as soon as i get to see your del sol. call me up sometime, PM me or ask jel for my # if you don’t already have it dude

haha, as soon as the warranty expires. either that, or i can see if the dealer itself will agree to certain things in advance, just so they know i’m not doing anything shady under the hood. 99.9% of the things are going to be performance related, the only other thing i’m doing is sentra de-badge and put in my old head unit from my Thunderbird. i mean, chicken.

Sounds like some fun. Very nice.

btw it’s cool that nobody is like “oooo gayyyyyy that’s a sentra wtf omg girl car”. i hate stuff like that.

anyways, i made this today

lol @ the camera trying to fall over

oooo gayyyyyy that’s a sentra wtf omg girl car

jk nice pick up.

you forgot the necessary trademark NYSPEED “siq” in there. i’ve honestly never heard that term anywhere else.

Nice vary nice 3 people (off this board) I know own them… I like them great DD

(FIRST MOD 02-03 Front bumper)

i have to agree, 1st gens look better from the front, but it’s not that important to me. hopefully most people will only see the rear (shitty cliche term lol)

fucking a. i’m tired as hell but all i want to do is just go and drive it.

Nice car, my mom has one…6-Speed '03 Spec V…

She loves it, it will hold her over until she gets a new Civic Si.

that was my other choice. i just couldn’t afford it though.