bailout plans

Uhhhh…I smell a fanboy.

Anyways, GM probably won’t be the last one standing, it’ll be Ford. I don’t like ford typically, but they are in the best financial situation of the US automakers right now. They’re also releasing a bunch of new models in the next while, so they are going to be doing ok I think. They did say that they’re going to be in deep shit if Chrysler/GM fail, because their suppliers will all go under.

GM has plenty of good products out there, but they always spread their dollar too thin and didn’t focus enough on small cars, and so the market shifted in a bad direction for them, and they weren’t ready for it. Their small cars have always sucked, but their Sports cars and Trucks have been great. My sister’s sunfire is a massive money pit, but my mom’s Trans Am was a damn trooper.

I want to get one of the V8 pony cars down the road, and I’m hoping it won’t come down to just a Mustang =/. Their focus has never been on power, but the Camaro is/was. I’m hoping it lives for a while.