Baller, My computer is a donk

awesome, thanks.

kevin, just want to know I guess. Plus seeing as you generally sit closer to a monitor, I’d assume that it would be fairly easy to tell the difference. I’ll probably be doing work on the other screen while watching

i hear ya, i should try watching a movie on my new monitor

dvi cables are nice… when they dont keep rebooting your computer

hahah yeah, only person i know that can fuck a pc up by just inserting a DVI cable



hahahahahah fuck off.

i didnt do shit…

plugged it in…windows screen…REBOOT…windows screen…REBOOT

what a POS

HDMI = DVI + sound.

from what I understand you need HDMI/DVI to get 1080p bluray. the various players will allow component instead, but not at 1080p. (because you obviously can’t be HDCP compliant over component)

so it will just downgrade the signal I assume?

it will downgrade…or it will keep rebooting…

ok it wont…thats just me

ding dong

lol are you sure you’re not trying to plug the cable into the reset button? :smiley:




haha hey there is toilet paper in this hole, why wont it work?

im gonna mess with it later on when i get home…ill see if i can figure it out.

stupid POS cable