Ban the lightbulbs!

At least those silly incandescent ones.

good move :tup:

i can dig it

CFL’s are Ok… you gotta wait about 3 min untill you get all their light potential out of them… Other than that they rock… I"ve got them in my apt… and plan on having them in my house.

Only potential issue I see is in cold weather usage, much like any florescent lamp. But honestly there are few reasons not to have CFLs yet.

+1 It’s good to see someone with a realistic idea on energy.

God I hate that state.

  1. What am I really going to save by replacing a .50 bulb that I almost never use with a $7 bulb?

  2. CFLs put out different light. I have them in several rooms in my house now, and everywhere but the bathroom they seem to be ok. I can deal with the fact that they don’t come on full bright for a couple minutues. In the bathroom though they make the paint look a completely different color, so much so that I’m thinking about going back to regular bulbs.

  3. None of the ones I’ve seen for sale locally work with dimmer switches. I’ve read that dimmable ones do exist, but I’m guessing they’re even more expensive.

The fact is they aren’t cost effective unless you put them in lights that are on a lot. If that’s the case, why should they be mandatory?

^Sure it’s not practical today, but a lot of that would change if we spent 5 years marching towards a legislated end to incandescent bulbs. Notice the 2012 target date.

Sorry if I’m a little sceptical of any kind of energy policy coming out of CA, the state that has been the root cause their own energy problems.

I bought some CFL’s that were “Natural Light” or “Daylight” or something like that. And it looked like I had a skylight in every room. It was really weird. Then I found that they have ones that are “Soft white” like the regular GE bulbs so I bought those and I can’t tell the difference between those and conventional bulbs. I put the Natural Light ones in my closests so I can see what my cloths will look like in the light of day.

:mamoru: Understandable.

you just need to look for CFL’s with a higher CRI and lower color temp.
a 2700k CFL with a CRI > .9 will be pretty close to an incandescent.

i agree that for some areas incandescent lighting makes sense, but most of the time it’s just wasteful.

the bulbs really aren’t that expensive.

In the store, yes.

I looked around online, and got a dozen bulbs for 12 bucks shipped.

I changed every bulb in the apt. Its only a bit annoying because they take a few seconds to warm up.

i wouldnt ban them if you use them in the drop light in your shop and you happen to drop it that gets pretty expensive to replace all those bulbs

i have them everywhere at my house except for outside (obviously) and in my bathroom… they just plain horrible in there.


I usually get mine from Home Depot. Once in while they have them for about 2 a piece. I don’t think that’s too much. I’ve had them for about 2 years now and haven’t replaced one yet.

i get the feeling its more to save on enviromental issues rather than a consumer savings

got them on ebay from a guy in california.

Took like 3 weeks to arrive, i requested a refund, he ended up refunding.

Same day the post man shows up with the box of bulbs. I refunded his refund, and we were done.

better yet how about every house uses these

  1. the bulbs are about a dollar to 2 dollars each

  2. they come in all different flavors, just like old school bulbs… daylight, natural, normal, vanilla, and so on

  3. you got me on that one :slight_smile:

as for them needing to warm up, thats only an issue with the higher wattage joints. anything under a 10 watts are at max bling just like that; however, the 13+ watt joints take a little more time, but when they are warmed up they are usually way too bright. heres an idea, get better lighting it that room :wink: