Ban users who make unnecessarily disgusting threads


dude do you have a thing for me or what? are you fucking gay? whats your deal with bringing that thread up all the time. i swear you are fucking gay or something. your not even a friend of mine. your some fucking dork that seriously has that thread saved to post it. move on with your faggot life.





fixed :mamoru:




maybe you missed my custom title.

i dont care about your or you’re im sick of this fag keep bringing that thread up. its just fucking weird for someone almost a year later to still bring it up like he knows me.


maybe you missed my custom title.

i dont care about your or you’re im sick of this fag keep bringing that thread up. its just fucking weird for someone almost a year later to still bring it up like he knows me.


Easy there, trigger… You’re gonna blow a gasket (or oil pump :rofl:) if you keep letting shit get to you.

How about the :newman: button??

fuck the ignore button, this kid is just weird.

I’m really tired of the --I’m mike and i bought a peice of shit i shouldn’t have bought from XXXX dealer

not one fucking link posted in this thread words. goddamnit that is fucking annoying.

i think i’ll go poop in a glass now.

i’ll be right over man, i like coffee-lookin’ ice cream :tup:

I like carrot spurs with my ice cream poo-cup. Hope that’s not a problem.

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:26,topic:34363"”]

not one fucking link posted in this thread words. goddamnit that is fucking annoying.


There’s a reason for that Silly Billy.

The problem lies here :

Who is to decide what is “too nasty” and what isn’t?

Ban users who keep pix on camera and don’t show anyone


Ban users who keep pix on camera and don’t show anyone


good call. :party2:

Ban users who steal xbox accounts back without telling someone…?

Well since we’re all trying to make our pet peeves grounds for the banstick, ban users who look to NYSpeed for permission/justification to make abso-fucking-lutely retarded financial/career decisions? There are a select few who, every time they make a thread, I wind up with a bruised hand from ramming it into the monitor trying to reach through the screen to choke some sense into them.


Anyhow, yeah over the top grossness sucks. While there’s no way to decide what’s over the top, for all you who post that crap please don’t be too subtle in the thread title/description. Post whatever you want but give me fair warning mmkay? :tup:

ugh, here’s what you do. You don’t like a thread/post? Think it’s dumb/unnecessary?

Click this:

We will handle it after.